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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I am getting more laughs out of OA that I have in a long time. This thread, Babler's story about the guy from Texas - great stuff. BTW Mjk86, I am not laughing at you and understand your concerns, but this thread is just plain funny, going from the BPS catalog to GW, awesome!
  2. I always look at line diameter when comparing lines. From what I see on TW, Yozuri 8 lb. hybrid is the same diameter as 12 Lb. Invisx. So, I could get 12 lb. Invisx and fish a line that is the same diameter as 8 lb. Yozuri. Also makes me wonder if Yozuri is understating their pound rating, so people will buy it and think, man that is some strong stuff for 8 lb. line.
  3. Never heard of it. I would look to see who the instructor(s) is, with the right instructor, it could be a great class, especially for someone new to the lake.
  4. Haven't tried it, but I'm sure you could catch TR bass fishing it.
  5. I have some in my tackle box and there they sit. I also thought they would be a great bait, but overall I am disappointed in them. I did real well on them 2 summers ago when the fish were schooling on top, I let them sink about 5 feet then slow rolled them through the school - BUT when those bass are schooling and busting top water, they'll eat just about anything you throw at them. I haven't given up completely on them, may give them another try late winter/early spring this year.
  6. Just think of how fat, dumb, and happy those trout will be by the time conditions will get to where you can get out there and fish for them.
  7. "It's pre-spawn, the bass will be spawning in 3-4 months". He comes up with some good ones.
  8. I plan on seeing it myself. Seems some like it better than Jeremiah, some not.
  9. Going to be some fat trout with all those shad coming through.
  10. This is from one of their press releases, just wish I knew what a "prolonged period of time" means. On Jan. 17, four more gates will be opened one-foot to increase the spillway releases to 7,000 c.f.s. The spillway and turbine release will equal 30,000 c.f.s. and continue for a prolonged period of time unless significant rainfall occurs downstream of the dam.
  11. I like a good fishing show, but so many of them are unwatchable. Not only the personalities in some of these shows, but locations. I was watching Shaw Grigsby (He's got an irritating, high pitched giggle) fishing in Florida. He's punching mats. Every time he caught a fish, he'd muscle it out of that hydrilla, and the fish would be encased in a massive glob of weeds, once he got it to the boat, you literally could not see the fish for all the weeds they were buried in. Then he'd go on about how you have to use 65 lb. braid, a stout rod, etc., and he'd go through that shtick every time he caught a fish. Looked about as fun as snagging stumps in Table Rock. If that's how you have to catch bass in Florida, it would turn me into a salt water fisherman if I lived there.
  12. Show was a bit of a disappointment, glad to see he got out with his boys, but it didn't make for much of a show.
  13. Outdoor channel.
  14. Noticed in the listings that Zona's TV show is showing an episode on TR today. It runs at 1130. Probably will repeat several times this week. I'm not a huge Zona fan, but I always like watching shows where they are fishing TR.
  15. Not to get off track, but what the heck. Yeah you'd think that with even most colleges able to run a hurry up offense these days, that Reid and the Chiefs would have one up their sleeve, you know, just in case they fall behind late in a playoff game. Winning 10 in a row, or whatever number it was, must have gone to their heads.
  16. What Bill says above is what drives me crazy about jerk baits. If they aren't biting the one I am throwing, I start asking myself questions, as in should I throw a deeper bait, a shallower bait, change colors, change models, change sizes???... aaaiiiiiiiggghhhhh!!! But it sure is fun when you get the right thing going.
  17. They will catch fish. When the water is cold, don't work them too hard.
  18. Can't see how the spread will be stopped. They're in Grand and Bull, TR and Beaver are caught in the middle.
  19. Yes sir, it is a one bass tourney, biggest one wins the trophy.
  20. Very nice, I look forward to trying some out.
  21. Bill the Corps must have heard you, this was put on their Facebook page about an hour ago. Beaver Lake Update: Daily hydropower releases are dependent on how much water is flowing into the lake. Releases are scheduled at a rate which will hold the lake near or just below elevation 1129 feet. Lake levels may fluctuate by a few tenths. Beaver Lake is first in the 3-lake chain (Beaver, Table Rock, and Bull Shoals). If we release floodwater stored in Beaver into Table Rock and Bull Shoals while they are already storing floodwater, we use up more storage capacity in tho...se two lakes. If additional rain falls in the Table Rock and Bull Shoals drainage basins, they will fill even more, while Beaver Lake's flood pool sits empty and unable to help. Once the water leaves Beaver Lake, we cannot put it back. On the other hand, if more rain falls in the Beaver drainage basin and fills its storage capacity, we can simply move some of the floodwater into Table Rock and Bull Shoals at that time. It is in accordance with the water control plan, which has been carefully thought out and reviewed multiple times over the years. To do otherwise would increase flood risks all along the White River downstream of Beaver Dam. It is a matter of balancing flood storage among the lakes in this interconnected system to best prepare for a variety of scenarios if more rain falls. This is a key part of the water control plan. It helps to understand that Bull Shoals Lake has more than twice the flood storage capacity of Beaver and Table Rock combined. The flood pool at Bull Shoals is 41 feet deep. By comparison, the flood pool at Table Rock is only 16 feet deep, and the lake is much smaller. Let's say we've had heavy rain and Bull Shoals is 15 ft high. It still has more than two-thirds of its flood storage capacity available to capture more rain runoff. When Table Rock Lake is 15 feet high, it is 99 percent full and a fairly small rain event could cause it to spill and flood homes and businesses downstream. So we have to start bringing Table Rock Lake down first.
  22. Eggs gotta breathe, biggest danger is that the redd gets covered up by silt and smothers the eggs.
  23. Arson is a sensitive topic in the west, range fires can get out of control. 3 firefighters died in Washington state last year fighting a wild fire. Dry grass, sagebrush and wind is a bad combination. I wouldn't make an assumption that when those clowns set that fire that they were equipped to handle things if it got out of control.
  24. Time to bring in Larry Brown.
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