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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I like the new True Grit - Jeff Bridges did a great job. No Country for Old Men, raising Arizona also great.
  2. Indeed - so many good movies, impossible to list just 5.
  3. Letters from Iwo Jima is a good one also (directed by Eastwood).
  4. Saving Private Ryan Young Frankenstein (and Blazing Saddles). Shane Unforgiven Lawrence of Arabia
  5. That's some good fishing, looks like the water up there is still in good shape.
  6. Sure looks like it.
  7. Shoot an email to John Stein and ask him if they have that kind of info on Beaver. He's pretty good at responding. jestein@agfc.state.ar.us
  8. Great shots!
  9. Quillback

    Ned Rig

    Some other baits that have worked for me over at the local warm-water lake: http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Keitech_Live_Impact_Worm_10pk/descpage-KLI.html and http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Keitech_Sexy_Impact/descpage-KEISXIM.html
  10. I'm still using the cut in half Zinker. Looking at pics of the TRD, I'd probably put the bumpy end as the head. I don't know if it would make any difference however.
  11. I haven't had hardly any problems deep hooking fish with the Ned. I deep hook more fish with c-rigs or T-rigs. And that #2 hook that I like to use on the Neds is easy to pop out if they do get it deep. I'm not saying that because I'm trying to sell people on using the Ned, that is just what I've seen from fishing it.
  12. Thanks for the report. That's some good fishing!
  13. Or maybe the Gulf of Mexico.
  14. Thanks for the report, that's some good fishing!
  15. Interesting stuff, thanks for posting.
  16. Lake Mudyah.
  17. Quillback


    No obstacle if you use the "Punch Ned"- 3 oz Ned head, but you still want to tip it with a 1/2 Zinker.
  18. That is the downside of being "The Guy".
  19. I got a reliable report from someone up there on the 24th that had a similar day on the Wart. Just when things seemed to be breaking loose we get these darn storms.
  20. Table Rock already up a foot and the line is still pointing straight up on the graph.
  21. That's a lot of rain - still raining here.
  22. Thanks for the info!
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