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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. That is the big question - do they work? It looks like it should.
  2. I like the looks of these things, except for the price. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Spro_BBZ-1_Rat/descpage-SBBZR.html#multiview
  3. I like the Smelt, light colored on the bottom. I like the looks of the Blue Back Herring, but don't have one. Color selection not that great as Dave said. Darn Yankees!
  4. Rapala BX Wake minnow is worth looking at, weighs 3/4 oz so it can be cast far, has a good waking action, not as hard to wake as a Redfin can be. I caught fish on it last summer, but didn't fish it enough to decide if it is equal to a good jointed Redfin.
  5. Caught a nice Meanie today, a little over the 3 1/2 lb mark on my Boga. Caught it on the Ned, and a dozen others, all others were 13-15 inch fish. Threw a jerker for a while, no bites on it. Fish were again around rocky points with timber, either at the cove mouths or first point in the cove. Some of the fish are in areas with multiple, close together trees. 10-25 FOW. Once the wind picked up, went from a 1/8 oz Ned head to the 3/16, 3/16th picked up some fish dragging bottom and a couple bit it when it was fished vertically. Caught a "Babler Slam" today. Water temps 42-43.
  6. Nice!
  7. You may have to go to his website - it's on his reports page. http://www.hookedonbass.com/FISHREPORT.htm
  8. Good stuff!
  9. I watch Pete's report every week, it is gold! Add to that Mr. Babler's reports and a person has some great, up to date info. Thanks Bill and Pete for providing the hard earned info!
  10. Fatcat goes a little overboard at times, but still some funny stuff in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL9CLybvIdQ&feature=player_embedded
  11. They did a little bit of BPS history during that live show last night - some interesting photos of the Brown Derby, and a bunch of guys in the tackle section looking at stuff.
  12. I've noticed that, Dirt seems to be very salty, PB&J not so much. Or it could be inconsistencies when they run them.
  13. Is this video available for public viewing? Ya'll have got me thinking that it may be time to try the TRD fished wacky. I think it may have worked yesterday as some of the fish were hitting the Ned on the sink. Just don't have any TRD's on hand. Guess it's time to order from my buddies at TW. (Sigh).
  14. Any one do any night fishing with the Ned? I was looking at the black/blue laminate and thinking that may work nights. So the Alabama craw is more of an orange? Wish they had a pumpkin similar to Zoom's pumpkin color.
  15. I left a Zinker chunk sitting on top of a Zoom plastic as an experiment. The Zinker seemed to suck the moisture out of the Zoom bait leaving it dry, deformed, and lifeless. They are definitely plastic killers, leave them separate.
  16. I can fish alone or with someone, it's always fun.
  17. I like visiting, but not the 2 hour drive to get there.
  18. They are running a "Classic Countdown" show at 1030 PM on the Outdoor channel, I recorded it, but it's running every night this week at 1030. I believe it is live and filmed in Springfield. Last night they had Zona, KVD, and some walleye guy. Kind of a disappointing show. Walleye guy was hawking an ice fishing jig that he was casting out and bouncing back to the boat in open water and said it is flat out whacking the walleye - only thing that was funny is that he forgot to name the brand of the jig. I'd recognize it if I looked in the catalog for it I guess. It's not a Rapala.
  19. Yeah, quite a few cookie cutter 2-3 lb. LM's in the lake this year. I can usually manage one or two a day. Hopefully they'll survive well and we'll see a good class of 4-5 lb. fish in a year or two. Hate to see that cool down coming, it will probably limit my fishing time, but may make some short trips to the Bella Vista lakes.
  20. You got the slam - congrats! I did catch a brown fish today, not a keeper, but it's the first one I have caught in probably a month or so.
  21. Good deal Bill - I must have missed you today, I was in the same area, except that I did not go up by Eagle Rock.
  22. Welcome!
  23. Welcome, and nice fish!
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