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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. That's what I am hoping for, a great game.
  2. Now we have Ohio State and Oregon. I would think that Oregon is favored. That OSU QB, Cardale Jones has a strong arm, he can really rifle that ball downfield.
  3. Quillback

    Go Tigers!

    Mizzou looked pretty good. Not many SEC teams winning their bowl games this year.
  4. Nice stuff Danger. Have you made any small hair finesse jigs in 1/8?
  5. Thanks for the report, sounds like things have gotten a bit tougher out there.
  6. Shoot, come on down to the tournament and bring the missus. I've never met most of the guys myself, but I am looking forward to putting some faces to monikers. As far as spots to fish for the tournament, send me a PM and I can give you some.
  7. Cool screen shots.
  8. Thanks for the update on the results, I was curious what it took to win. 16 lbs. is a good bag.
  9. Here's a link to the WTA website, lots of info available. http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/dorothy-lake
  10. They work great on a Ned head, so I'm told.
  11. There are quite a few lakes in the mountains up there, if you are serious about it there's hiking books out there that will lay it all out. Go to Amazon and search "Washington hiking" or Cascades Hiking". There's also some good hiking/fishing on the Olympic peninsula. The guide books do a good job of laying out where the trails go, access points, etc., but not much detail on fishing opportunity. Fishing is hit or miss, some lakes are barren, especially since stocking lakes in the National parks was outlawed, but some do support natural reproduction, just no way of knowing what you're going to find until you get to the lake. And yes, there are trails/campsites that have access to multiple lakes. You also need to be in good shape, almost every trail head is at low elevation, and you'll have to ascend 3,000 to 4,000 feet to get to the lakes, at a rate of about 1,000 feet of elevation gain per mile. it's a workout, especially carrying a back pack full of stuff.
  12. I have never fished the John Day river in Oregon, but it is reportedly an awesome small mouth fishery. You can spend a week floating the river, it's remote, you'll see very few other fishermen, and there some great scenery. There are guided multi-day trips or you could do your own. Of course, doing it yourself would mean bringing rafts or pontoons, all the camping gear etc., but it would be one heck of an adventure. If you went in mid-September, you should get nice weather - warm days, cool nights, perfect for camping. There's also other Oregon rivers that have great smallie fishing. If you're in Washington state, the Yakima river below Ellensburg is well populated with wild rainbows, it's catch and release, single barbless hook, it's best in late September/October, during the summer it is high and murky due to irrigation run-off. Two lane highway parallels the river through Yakima canyon which allows plentiful bank access. Being accessible, it gets lots of pressure, you would want to fish it during the week. Alpine lakes in the central Cascade mountains can be awesome, especially the ones that require more than 6-8 hours to hike in. Really helps to bring a tube or raft so you can get off the bank. Most of the lakes hold cutthroat, some rainbows, and there are a few with brookies. You won't get any over 2 lbs., but there's lots of them. August and September is the time to go, the snow is out and the weather is dry.
  13. Yes a bunch of gills in the Rock and very little pressure on them. Some nice redear in the lake also, but they are much more elusive.
  14. Excellent!
  15. Look forward to reading you reports. We get a lot of "upper end" reports, but not many as to the rest of the lake.
  16. Good job there Bluebasser, I've heard a pink worm will catch bass when they are bedding.
  17. Yes, please let us know color, model and brand of whatever jerk baits work for you tomorrow. Too much of a pain to figure that stuff out, not to mention the wasted fishing time fishing a lousy color. It would be awesome if you could just text me photos to my mobile, that way I can see what is working without having to leave my recliner.
  18. Quillback

    Go Tigers!

    Yep, go Mizzou! SEC is getting humbled a bit in the bowls. LSU and Ole Miss both losing.
  19. My 2 cents on the subject of crappie in Table Rock- I think it's also due in part to lake characteristics. I have gone fishing with my uncle on Sardis lake in Mississippi the last few summers, we spend usually will fish a couple of mornings from daylight until noon trolling Bandit 300's. We can usually put 15 -20 keepers a day in the boat, and we're not working too hard at it - just trolling open water in the 25-35 feet deep range. Sardis and the other nearby crappie lakes get pounded by fishermen, especially in the spring. Groups of fishermen come from Chicago, and St Louis to fish that lake in the spring. I forget the exact number, but something like 200,000 crappie a year are kept out of that lake, and it's not nearly as big as Table Rock, I think it's around 7,000 acres. In spite of all the pressure it keeps kicking out crappie. Table Rock just doesn't seem to be a good lake for crappie.
  20. I hear that the pre-Rapala ned rigs work a lot better than the new Storm version. Something to do with old molds and lead balls.
  21. I was thinking that after catching that trout. He wanted it too, he whacked it, dropped it, then came back and got it again. Ham will probably catch a hundred a day on it below Bull.
  22. Cheap shot to start the article talking about social issues in MO and suggesting the money from the MDC budget could be used to fix those issues. Certainly there is waste in the budget and apparently some mis-management also and that should be fixed if possible, but for crying out loud, don't blame social issues on the MDC. I hate that kind of slime ball tactic journalism.
  23. Quillback

    Go Arkansas

    I have hope for next year!
  24. Yes, that's a trout. Chunky 14-15" rainbow I caught in the point 23 area on the Ned rig. Nice looking rainbow, released it back into the lake. Launched at 10 AM, waited until the temp got above freezing, fished until 4 PM. The bass fishing was fair, caught 3 largemouth on a McStick off a windy bank, 2 of them were nice 2 lb. keepers. Caught another 1/2 dozen Spots on the Ned rig. Fishing was a bit slower than a couple of days ago. The weather was a bit breezy, cold, with clear skies, water temp 45-46.
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