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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I'd like to fish Stockton one of these days.
  2. Must have been in an urban area? http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/Fish-and-wildlife-officials-reportedly-euthanized-a-mountain-lion-Monday-in-Bourbon-Co-285957541.html
  3. Very informative video, going to have to try this when the spawn starts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ti_H4m94Wo
  4. Glad to hear you got on some birds on the management areas, I may do a little poking around next week, if anything me and the dog will get some exercise.
  5. Phil must have fixed something - I can now "like" posts.
  6. Looks like I have hit my quota also.
  7. I always wear my Jimmy Choo shoes (with heels) when I go walleye fishing.
  8. Couple of mondo crappie.
  9. Interesting to see you are getting them out over 30 feet to hit the jerker.
  10. Great video! How did you get those overhead shots?
  11. Kind of surprised they did not have a Gizzard Shad color, the LC that is.
  12. I can't fish a weed less head on TR, wish I could, but unless I want to go through a dozen heads a day, it just doesn't work for me.
  13. Some pretty impressive fish.
  14. Wow, almost $3,400 for the V44. http://www.ebay.com/itm/271700298402
  15. Great pics, you may have to change the name to "Brownfest"!
  16. No kidding, I can't believe no one has come to market with a snag less Ned head. Zman makes Shroom heads, but with no weed guard. About the only place you can throw one is on a gravel point.
  17. Here's a link below, the Rapala Jigging Rap. The 7/8 oz gets deep in a hurry, but it has a relatively small profile. You can get more color choices on Ebay, TW is pretty much sold out. Pete Wenners talked a bit about them in a report a couple of weeks ago. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Rapala_Jigging_Rap_Ice_Jig/descpage-RJR.html
  18. Nice!
  19. Congrats WC!
  20. Those are some chunky whites!
  21. Against the law to keep them less that 15" on Table Rock.
  22. BTW, thanks for the report, it does help to know those fish are out there in the 20-25 foot zone.
  23. I guess I should look into one of those fizzers - or just not fish really deep.
  24. Wrench are you Old Plug's spokesman? He's usually the one to give us grief whenever we get too wrapped up in these lure discussions. Plug where are you?
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