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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I'd need a few belts of sake before trying that one.
  2. Been thinking about doing some drop shotting around the mouth of the Kings, only problem is that is a very popular area for wake boats.
  3. Some good fishing for sure.
  4. I was looking at the AGFC weekly newsletter which contains fish stocking information for June. They stocked 9,800 walleye fingerlings in Lake Fort Smith. Hard to know how it will turn out, but something you walleye chasers may want to keep in the back of your mind. Beaver received 166,945 striper fingerlings.
  5. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    Good deal.
  6. Thanks for the info.
  7. Quillback


  8. Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I doubted you, I was just wondering why they are there.
  9. I'm a little jealous myself, and I'm not a walleye fisher.
  10. "Whine-Right" - That's a good one!
  11. Used to be a school there. Don't know about the rocking horses however.
  12. Wow! Bravo on the limit. In mid-July.
  13. Yeah, Wainwright certainly didn't look very good.
  14. I watched the first two innings. I'm a baseball fan, but usually I don't watch much of the All Star game anymore. I liked the camera angle they had over the pitchers shoulder, you could really see the ball movement on pitches.
  15. Well wiseguy I thought he might be going after wallies.
  16. I'm a big fan of Zoom plastics and they are pretty salty. I also use Megastrike Megabugs, and they float like they are made of foam, and they work at times really well. Senkos are pretty salty, work well, but are not durable as you mentioned. It's nice to have options.
  17. Quillback

    World Cup

    Only baseball going on right now, it was nice to have something else to watch.
  18. That's a list I am envious of.
  19. Are you targeting stripers?
  20. I'll turn 57 in October, and thereby occupy the high ground in terms of who is the oldest - until someone older claims it. (I think Old Plug has us all beat).
  21. The weather was nice, but the fish did not seem to agree. Might get better after this rain they are predicting for tomorrow.
  22. That is one pig of a wallie!
  23. A tad slow, could not find an early top water bite. Caught a couple on jigs, couple on the c-rig with Zoom UV Speed Craw, and a half dozen or so on a drop shot with a GYCB Cut tail worm. Maybe one keeper in the bunch, mostly 12-14" spots. Caught a nice green sunfish on a jig, it measured close to 9". I'm not sure, but I think it's the biggest one of that species I have ever caught. Water temp 83.
  24. I caught a couple today drop shotting for bass, both were big enough to fillet. They were in 20 FOW off gravel points, I think there were quite a few down there judging by what I saw on my screen. If I was going to target them, I'd probably drop shot crickets or red worms.
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