Fish are still biting, got off to a slow start in the fog and calm water, but found some good bites later in the AM on banks and coves with some breeze on them. Fish seem to be moving out towards the main channel points as that was where our best fishing was. Between me and my buddy Jeb, we boated 60, a mix of spots and LM's (only one dink smallie).. Quality was good, quite a few in the 2 -3 lb. range. Best bites were on c-rigged Zoom UV Speed Craws, Megabugs and Speed Craws on wobble heads. Fish also were a bit deeper, some we caught were as far as 20 feet out, but I'd say 10 feet was about the best depth.
Water temps 64 - 65. Visibility continues to improve up the White channel, could see bottom in 10 FOW.
Brought home 3 keeper walleye for the fryer.