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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Go to Grand lake, catch blue cats, they are the best eating cats I've ever had.
  2. Welcome, always good to have another TR fisherman on board, and look forward to hearing of your fishing adventures.
  3. Welcome! I'm not a walleye guy so I can't offer any advice on walleye except to say they are in Table Rock in decent numbers. The Table Rock forum below has some walleye info, you may have to dig a bit, but it's enough to give you a good starting point. http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/5-table-rock-lake/
  4. Quillback

    College Football

    Well you have LSU to blame for that, LSU never considered Arkansas to be a "rival". They want to play a Texas team. Arkansas will still play LSU every year, it just won't be on Thanksgiving weekend, and I think we'll see a good rivalry develop with MO.
  5. Nice pic, looks like the fish should have been biting.
  6. Quillback

    College Football

    I'm reserving judgment until I see the Hawgs play a quality team. They rushed well, but they were ahead and the Cajuns D was getting tired. We'll see how they do against a throwing team like A&M, if the Hawgs get behind, they'll have to start throwing.
  7. LOL
  8. A couple of thousand years from now, if there's still archaeologists around, they're going to have a field day sifting through these lake bottoms (assuming the lakes are dry by then). Glasses, cell phones, outboards, boats, cars, fishing gear....
  9. Start out simple, fly fishing can be as hard or as easy as you make it, just like other forms of fishing. I was catching panfish and bass on popping bugs when I was 12 years old using beat up, cheap gear. I've been thinking about getting into it again myself, it would be fun to toss minnow imitators at schooling bass when they're chasing shad.
  10. Quillback

    College Football

    Hogs victorious, but it was what I expected. I'm looking forward to that A&M game.
  11. You have my sympathy, being a glasses wearer myself, I understand the wallet damage that can be done when purchasing prescription, polarized glasses (if that's what you had).
  12. I hear you guys, but I'm very happy fishing floro. I can feel the light bass pickup, I can also feel slack line pickups. And I can see my line quite well, but I'm not a night fisherman. Quality floro tied with a good knot will not break on a hook set, what will get you is if you let it get frayed or kinked.
  13. Tasty looking stuff.
  14. If it was closer I would bass fish it for sure.
  15. From the MDC online rules: The possession limit is twice the statewide daily limit. Fish you take and possess must be kept separate or distinctly identifiable from fish taken by another person. If you are away from your catch, the device holding the fish must be plainly labeled with your full name and address.
  16. Thanks! Moral of the story - do not transport live crayfish to a body of water and release them.
  17. Sounds like an interesting read. I'll have to check and see if it is available online.
  18. Great pics!
  19. Good shots, thanks for sharing.
  20. Nice variety of fish.
  21. Good pics!
  22. Something similar, a black and silver jointed Rebel. But I was living in Massachusetts at the time. Nowadays if the chips are really down, I'll break out a Zoom Trick worm.
  23. Welcome! Always good to have another TR fisherman on board.
  24. Nice one!
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