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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Thanks for the report, I was wondering how the Jika rigged creatures will do, seems it should have big fish potential.
  2. I'm still in the "complicating" part of the cycle, so I'm no help with simplifying.
  3. Nice one! Where do these bass get released? Not that I'm asking that for information as to where to fish for them, but I'm hoping they dispersed throughout the lake rather than released at the weigh-in site.
  4. Last I checked, maybe a year ago or so, they did not provide credit for surplus energy produced. But if that's changed, I'm all ears.
  5. I wish they would do it here for $200, unfortunately we can't send surplus back into the grid.
  6. What was the total cost for the solar power installation? If you're willing to spend enough money, then you can probably power your house and charge your electric car with solar power. I've thought about installing solar panels on my house, but the payback doesn't work out.
  7. I've had people pull in front of me all the time when in my bass boat, so don't feel like they are picking on you because you're in a kayak. It sucks for sure but there's just so many boats out there, especially on the weekends.
  8. Thanks for the info, I may give them a try next week if the storms that are supposed to come through don't blow everything out.
  9. The Cards uniform is a classic.
  10. Anyone know if the crappie have spawned on Beaver?
  11. Quillback


    Thanks for the report.
  12. Thanks for the heads up, always good to see local stuff on the fishing shows.
  13. RealDealCustomTackle.com - Great jigs and an Arkansas business.
  14. That's a picture of F&F out trolling...
  15. 14.6...chicken liver
  16. It is fun fishing the buck brush. Swimming T-rigged plastics through that stuff will also work.
  17. Quillback

    Batter Up!

    I checked Molina's BA and he's hitting .336 - outstanding for a catcher.
  18. Yeah got some rain here in Bella Vista, but only lasted for about 1/2 hour.
  19. Quillback

    Batter Up!

    Cards are looking good, I'd expect them to play in the post-season this year. Time for the annual May comparison between Pujols and Beltran: Pujols .242 BA 6 HR 22 RBI Beltran .303 BA 10 HR 26 RBI
  20. Caught this little snippet concerning eels as I was reading the AGFC stream team quarterly newsletter: American Eel Project I have continued sampling of the American eel on the Ouachita River. Casey Cox (student at the University of Central Arkansas) and I caught around six eels at the Highway 67 Bridge during the month of March. I have written and submitted contracts to have the University of Central Arkansas perform studies on the Arkansas River eel population.
  21. Best thing to do, as someone mentioned above, if you think this thing is being dominated by cheaters, don't fish it.
  22. Well you can sign me up for 5 bags Anyone have a contact at BPS?
  23. Be careful out there! http://www.kjrh.com/dpp/news/local_news/grand-river-dam-authority-2-boats-collide-on-oklahomas-grand-lake
  24. Yes, good luck guys, hopefully you'll all have a big fish story to tell us when you get back.
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