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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I don't think anyone is advocating shooting back.
  2. Good question, I don't know, but my guess is that you could shoot back if someone opens up on you. I believe you are allowed to defend yourself if threatened with deadly force. You'd probably get arrested and then the prosecutor would decide whether or not to put you on trial, but I bet it wouldn't go to trial. And if it did the jury would probably find you not guilty if you were able to prove you were in fear of your life and were defending yourself. Not that I'm a lawyer, but that's my understanding of how it works in Arkansas.
  3. Gary, can you please give me the url of that bass boat site?
  4. I think it's 50 feet or a hundered feet from the marina, not just the gas pumps, but it's obviously illegal for them to shoot at you if you're too close. I think just pointing a firearm at someone and threatening them with it can get you a year in jail, the clown that did the shooting may be spending some time in the graybar motel.
  5. Yeah no kidding, August started in June.
  6. Well I hope it holds up until the last week of July, my 12 yo nephew will be in town, and some fast and furious fishing like that would be great.
  7. I bought a Dobyns Champion 704 this spring specifically for walking the dog, especially with a Gunfish. It does a fine job, but I could not find a topwater bite on Beaver this spring. Did catch a couple here on the BV lakes, but just haven't done the topwater fishing this year that I planned on. Maybe this fall. But I do like the rod, it's day will come.
  8. At least he spelled "USA" correctly.
  9. Wow a stripper and a state recoed striper all in one night! That what I call living! But, seriously, that is one pig of a fish.
  10. Nice fish pics! New site? Wassup with that?
  11. Do you check the AR fishing reports? Here's some striper info from the report, it at least gives you some starting points: Bailey’s Beaver Lake Guide Service (479-366-8664) said the lake is fairly clear, especially from Point 3 to the dam. Fish early because surface temperatures are high. Stripers are good on live shad fished on free lines and balloons from 2 to 20 feet deep, above the thermocline. On the mid- and lower sections, check out Point 1 (The island is still holding some fish, but most are going deeper with the rising temperatures.), Indian creek (Good fishing), Lost Bridge South (Good fishing), Lost Bridge North (Excellent fishing), Big Clifty arm (Good fishing), Point 3 (Good striper activity in front of Starky Marina) and Point 5 (This area is a hot spot and fish are being taken under lights.). Try Horseshoe Bend in the upper section where walleye are being caught near the hatchery pond. Most walleye are about 10 to 20 feet deep near Point 5, Point 3 and Point 1. Flat line troll over shallow bars with Rapala Tail Dancers, Shad Raps, Reef Runners, or Ripstiks in natural blue or black back combos. Jigging spoons around brush and rock piles are also producing. Put your Dipsy Divers to work above the thermocline with a Rapala in tow. Here's the link to Bailey's home page, more good info: http://www.beaversafari.com/
  12. Cool, yeah I understand about back pain, my back bugs me all the time, it sucks.
  13. Your problem with the depth finder sounds like a problem my fishing buddy jeb had with his after an upgrade, there was a setting he figured out needed changing and once he made the change he was good to go. I'll email him to check this forum. As far as finding stripers (not that I'm an expert), I would look for shad, chances are if you find shad around deep water the stripers will be around or will show up at some time. Look for the striper boats. If you're out early or late you may see the stripers busting topwater.
  14. Ok, I understand now.. Is your trailer ball bolted directly onto the bumper of your truck? It sounds like the height of the trailer ball is not level with the trailer. If you have a receiver for the hitch you can buy angled hitches that will allow you to set the ball to match the trailer tongue height (don't know if I'm using the right terminology here). I don't have to back my truck directly under the ball to get it to work, I can move the boat trailer over the ball and lever it down, lock it, and I'm good to go. It should not be a difficult excercise.
  15. Haven't tried the power jack, but it sounds to me that your trailer doesn't match up well with your boat. I drive my boat onto the trailer and usually I can get it lined up correctly and I just need to crank it a little to get it on all the way, if I don't get it on the trailer, I back off and try again. You shouldn't have to do all the pushing and pulling stuff you mention.
  16. You are welcome and I hope you get into the stripers! Sorry I don't have any info on that ramp you are talking about. I believe all the corps ramps are open, but the docks may not be accesible on some. And they will charge you $4 to launch if you don't have a permit.
  17. I was up in the dam area a couple of weeks ago black bass fishing. I did not see any shad, so I can't give you any help there. There were several striper boats fishing off the north shore of the island where point 1 is and going northeast along the steep bank along the adjacent shore north of Big Hollow. The mouth of Honey creek cove usually holds stripers this time of year also, it's certainly worth a look.
  18. Sorry to hear about the damage, but I have to admit that it is funny to read. Those backlash incidents are classic!
  19. If Dave doesn't have what you are looking for, is there a Basspro is your area? They have a sale on the BPS Pro Qualifier for $79, never used one myself, but in general they get good reviews and it was an Outdoor Life value pick(PQ) in 2009 at a higher price. They also have the new Enigma line which are $99, but are supposedly very tough to backlash. Just go to Google and do a search on the reel model followed by the word review. If there is a BPS in your area, go to the reel counter and check out the reels, look at the Shimanos also. Talk to the guys behind the counter, get them to show you the features.
  20. Now that is funny!
  21. Found this journal, which can be downloaded for free, link below, written by the "Lewis and Clark of the Ozarks", Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. He traveled up the White river (1818 and 1819) and into Northwest Arkansas. Haven't read it all yet, just skimmed through parts of it, but it is very interesting. http://www.manybooks.net/titles/schoolcrafthother07schoolcraft_journal.html
  22. FLW just published their 2012 schedule, coming to Beaver 4/26 - 4/29.
  23. Ditto on it's a toad.
  24. It must have felt unwelcome in Missouri and decided to head east. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43366390/ns/us_news/
  25. I agree with you, if an area is marked "Out of Bounds" it should stay out of bounds unless all particpants are notified of the change. Something like this makes the tournament organization look very shady. I would be very leery in particpating unless they make the rules and any changes to the rules known to all.
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