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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Link: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/146-fishing-events/
  2. Link: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/146-fishing-events/
  3. Link: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/146-fishing-events/
  4. Link: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/146-fishing-events/
  5. We have a problem, Phil and Duane made an OA plaque for the 2020 tournament. We had to cancel that tourney due to the virus, but we still have a 2020 dated plaque. We need to award it to someone. So here is my idea (I also ran it be Phil). We have a virtual tourney where you take photo of your bass on a ruler and in short, the longest bass wins. Has to be a black bass, smallmouth, largemouth, spotted bass or a hybrid of these species. I'll open up a thread in this forum where you can submit photos. Make sure you get the full-length of the bass on a ruler. Make sure it's a good photo so the length on the ruler is readable in the photo. Starts Friday at 5 PM Central Time, May 22 and runs until 8 AM Central, May 26th which is a Tuesday. These dates being Memorial Day weekend. Photos must be submitted in that time frame in the thread I will open in the Fishing Events Forum. By accepting to participate you agree to be upstanding and honorable in your submission of the picture. Fish must be caught in public waters On photos submitted you must specify body of water, so we can verify that it is a public water. If it is something that you need to keep secret, then we'll accept a PM the judges attesting that it was caught in a waterway open to the public. Gradiations on the ruler must be visible in the photo, and the ruler must cover the entire length of the fish. Also state the length of the fish along with the photo. We will start a thread in this forum before 5 PM on Friday the 22nd. In that thread we will specify a number, that number must be included (written on a piece of paper) in the photo of your fish. Also we will start of thread for submission of photos. Artificial lures only. Fish must be live when photographed. Participation is limited to OA members or their spouses and children. Should we have a tie, we'll have a 3 person panel make the call. I don't have anyone on the panel yet, so if you want to volunteer, shoot me a PM. Now that I think of it, we'll have the panel determine the winner. I'll post this in a couple of the popular lake forums too. Here's the plaque, along with the last winner - it's a nice plaque.
  6. I can't even remember vaccines at school, or maybe I got them at the doctors office, but I know it was needles which always scared me. One of the first things they did in Army basic training was line us up single file to walk past a guy on each side with one of those guns, both shoulders at once got hit. That's the only time I got that kind of vaccine, and I now am fine with needles, I just don't watch when I get the injection.
  7. Man I love those Klondike bars! Sadly, I am pretty much off ice cream as my blood sugar is too high.
  8. That's a hard one to answer as it has been my experience that every year I seem to find a TW bite in different areas than in the past. I like to launch out of Indian creek early in the AM and go looking for it. Helps to have a calm morning so that you can spot them from a long ways away. I'm usually looking for stripers, but sometimes the black bass will be around the stripers. Loch Lomond and Windsor usually have a good TW bite in late summer into the fall. It only lasts for a couple of hours early in the AM. The fish are cagey, finesse top waters usually work the best, but lately I just throw Keitechs at them. It was really good on Lomond last September.
  9. Mayo for sure.
  10. Yeah it has been years since I have had veal.
  11. Italian sausage with Caraway seeds, IMO is the best. And for sure must have real mozzarella, the stringier the better.
  12. For sure, but I am OK with differing opinions.
  13. When I was in high school I worked at a place called the Sorrento Room in Milford Mass. It is still in business, different ownership, and I haven't been back there in close to 45 years, but at the time we made the best pizza I've ever had. We made our own dough, sauce from a tomato sauce base, and grated our own cheese from blocks of cheddar and mozzarella. Friday nights were crazy, we had three ovens going, three guys working like madmen, one guy rolling out the dough, placing on the pan, another guy saucing and cheesing and a third guy working the ovens, if you got caught up on the dough, you'd help out with the ovens and so on. It would be crazy from about 5 PM on a Friday until 9 PM, then we'd have another rush around 11 PM. My favorite was Italian sausage with fresh green peppers. We'd use sausage out of the skin, put chunks on the pizza. You have to Sautee fresh peppers before putting them on a pizza as they won't full cook in the time they are in the oven, but it is so much better than canned peppers. I spent years traveling the country for work, I've had NY pizza, Chicago pizza, trendy LA pizza, and every chain pizza out there. Hard to find one that measures up to the Sorrento Room back in the day. There's a place here in Bella Vista, Gusanos, that does an excellent pizza that has a few other locations in AR too. However it is pricey, $25 for a 16" pizza with a couple of toppings. I don't like their deep dish however - they put the sauce on top the cheese on their deep dish and I don't like it. One other thing the Sorrento Room was really good at was Veal Parmigiana.
  14. Heavy rain incoming, at least in my neck of the woods. Have to take advantage of the nice weather when we get a couple of days of it.
  15. Gates Foundation is kicking in $250 million. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2020/04/Gates-Foundation-Expands-Commitment-to-COVID-19-Response-Calls-for-International-Collaboration
  16. But for me the fishing has been tough. Caught just a handful Monday, caught some today, but almost all were sub-legal bank running males, mostly spots. Today's sun moved them (again) up onto the banks, Ned rig off the buck brush would get bites. Once it came off the bank and got into water over 5 feet deep, then they would not touch it. Keitech has gotten a few but it isn't working like it did last week. There have been some early morning shad chasers in a pocket and some are even out into the main channel, but it's a brief bite. Weather couldn't have been much better than it was today, no wind, bright blue sky, air temp 74 degrees when I left. Lots of fishermen, I counted 19 rigs in the Big M lot and 2 more came in when I left at noon. In ordinary times you might see 6-8 rigs in the lot on a nice weekday in April. Did catch a keeper walleye on the Keitech. I have a couple of bags of walleye fillets in the freezer so this one got to live to fight another day.
  17. Well with Social Distancing rules you shouldn't be sharing a boat with anyone, so just go back and tell her you need $50K (you'll need another $5K for electronics).
  18. Could you please give me the exact dates you will be here? Looking to get some short term flood insurance.
  19. If I ever make it out that way, I'll give you a shout. Hopefully you can make Jigfest this year, assuming COVID doesn't screw it up for us.
  20. Good show Phil, thanks!
  21. Yeah man, gotta have coffee!
  22. If you're in the area, we'll have to go catch a few.
  23. LandBigFish.com is once again selling Keitech Fats at a 25% discount. Lots of Zoom baits on sale too. Other plastics and hard baits on sale. 20% off all Seaguar line.
  24. You'll have to drive to Bella Vista to pick it up. And because of social distancing, I'll leave it under the front door mat - I'll wave to you from behind the door. A note to all - I'm tired of typing 'social distancing', from now on I'll abbreviate it as SD.
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