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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. If you guys are going to Taney, someone needs to call Miles right away. I would like it if one of you did it, as I just talked to him yesterday and assured him ya'll would be showing up in spite of the weather. His number is 870.425.4221
  2. Just don't complain about global warming and I am OK with it. 😃
  3. My pet peeve is people driving their kids about 100 feet to the school bus stop. And sitting there idling while waiting for the bus to come. Then repeating when the bus drops the kid off.
  4. Didn't know they had elk in KS.
  5. If it wasn't for fishing and hunting and other outdoor pursuits I'd probably only put 5K a year on my truck. I have driven from Boston to Seattle, all the way on I-90. Never had been out west further that Colorado at the time, so it was pretty cool to see the sights, I took my time and saw some stuff I wanted to see. Once you get west of South Dakota the terrain at times is awesome, hard to keep your eyes on the road.
  6. Ok, I spoke to someone named Jennifer and let them know that you are all going to stay at Cedar Gables. I let them know it looks like 11 people. When I looked at the rates last time, I came up with a number that was based on Fall pricing, well starting 12/1 they go to winter pricing and it's a little cheaper. $225 for a weeknight and $250 weekend, so I have a total of $725. Divide $725 by 12 (Putting myself in there) it comes out to $60 and change per person. I am going to send Miles a check for $65 and you all can come up with the rest. I might still make it if the forecast miraculously changes, but that looks doubtful. Good luck, I hope you guys whack 'em!
  7. Have not hear back from Miles, I'll try again this afternoon.
  8. Healthy looking bass, congrats!
  9. I don't fish for them much myself, but I have seen a few posts on some of the other lakes where they mention catching them deep recently, down 20 feet or so, around timber on bluffs. Fishing minnows. There's some guys on here that fish for them, maybe they have some ideas. I'll be curious to hear how you do, not expecting any exact locations if you find them of course.
  10. He's on the list. Looks like at the most 11, so you guys will be fine in one lodge. Waiting for Miles to call back and I'll get confirmation as to which one, I assume Cedar Gables in the one you want.
  11. 12 can fit into one place, Miles can roll out some cots if needed might be a couple of guys on cots in the living room. I was planning on driving over to deliver the cooking oil, but don't want to do that, I'll will gladly pay for the oil if someone wants to pick it up, need 8 gallons of vegetable oil for Brett's fryer. I am also on the hook for paper plates, cups, utensils, again I will gladly pay for it if someone can pick those items up. And don't forget the ketchup.
  12. OK, looks like 11 stayers, a couple of those are still question marks, if you want, you can all fit in one lodge, that will cut costs considerably to about $75 each. Don' forget Miles rents boats if there aren't enough seats. $100/day per boat. You can redirect your lodging savings into boat money, should you need boats.
  13. I think WW plans to stay at Erics place.
  14. OK, going to start a new who is staying list. I have: GotMuddy Jester's crew (4). Terrierman Daryk SR John's Folly Little Red? ZigJigman? Griz
  15. Based on my experience with AR roads, IF the forecasted amount of snow falls, the side roads will be pretty bad. State HWY's will be marginal. They'll usually plow and sand the HWY's first, then get to the back roads, there's just not enough equipment for them to get everything done quickly. It's supposed to be cold after the snow for a couple of nights so there won't be any melting of the ice on the roads right away.
  16. You ain't whistling Dixie - I'm 6'4" and the first thing I do when checking out vehicles is see how well I fit in the drivers seat. My F150 seat will go so far back that I am convinced someone that is 7 foot tall could fit in it. I once sat in the drivers seat of a Mazda Miata convertible, top of my head was above the top of the front window. Then there's airplane seats.
  17. Only myself and I believe BH are the only cancellations I have seen so far, and looks like Jester's is bringing one more, so should still be at 16, which works out to 112.50 per person. I'm still coming down Thursday, so I am committed to paying my share. If the weather moderates, I'll stay, but I think that is doubtful.
  18. My main concern is getting back to Miles on lodging should we lose a lot of people. I don't know if he'll want any money should we cancel, I can call him tomorrow and find out. I think we need a show of hands as to who is determined to go (and needs to stay) in the worst case scenario of several inches of snow. Can't wait until Wednesday, unless it's no big deal to Miles.
  19. Seems the forecast just gets worse. They are talking rain/freeing rain Friday, then snow Friday night into Saturday. I may drive over Thursday, drop off the cooking oil, pay my share of the lodging, then head home. I sure hate to not fish, but it's 150 miles over 2 lane roads to get there and I don't want to do that drive over snow and ice. Dang weather.
  20. Should not be a problem to switch things around.
  21. I'll still fish, more concerned about the drive home.
  22. Good idea, closed door means it is taken. The river Villa has a fold out couch-futon that is right past the dining area as you walk in. I have slept there before and would do so again except that the Villa is no dog. Probably that will be open. Also back in the far right corner on the first floor of the Cedar Gables is a room with a fold out bed, usually that is open.
  23. Or use it as a passing lane. I've seen that a few times.
  24. Federal law should mandate all deer wear reflective vests.
  25. Haven't been there in a while, wasn't there a sort of bait shop structure out there on the dock? Is that gone?
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