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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I was out there yesterday myself, except I was in the Indian creek cove all morning. Caught a half dozen dinks, had one strong puller that got off about 2 seconds after it was hooked. I got them on jigs and top water. I wasn't expecting much, but I was hoping I could get a couple of nice smallmouth. Little one inch shad are all over the place in that cove.
  2. I hate to admit it, but I think they are pretty tasty. However, I doubt you will ever see them on the shelf at a health food store. Potted meat spread is pretty good too, and I love spam. Spam and mustard sandwich, yum!
  3. All this hot dog talk and no one has mentioned the one food item that is hot dog like, but with it's own unique, distinctive flavor. Also serves in a pinch as catfish bait, but I doubt the bass will touch it. It comes in a can with a pull top -you know what it is:
  4. I see it is in stock at TW, probably is at other places also. Some of the colors are sold out. So far I have resisted the urge to purchase, but I'm thinking it could be a good bait this fall.
  5. Glad to hear you made it. Those wake boats can really kick out some big wakes.
  6. I don't know if trailering your boat is an option, but I would do that and launch at Big M or Eagle Rock, rather than make the long trip by boat. If you fish the early morning, launching at daylight and fishing until 10 or 11 the boat traffic usually isn't too bad. That's on a week day I should add. Weekends it is worse I am sure.
  7. Very nice - I always like the coloration on browns, they all seem to be unique.
  8. Big Ol' white! Me and a buddy were out this morning up the White near Big M. About the same results, we each caught 10 bass, mostly spots in the 12-14" range, drop shots and C-rigs. Fish were around gravel points.
  9. Nice one! That's some sweet fishing for this time of year.
  10. Putrefied fish are the worse stink there is. Had a buddies bird dog roll in what was a plastic bag of long dead fish remains out in the weeds once when we were loading up the truck after hunting. Worse stink I think I have ever smelled. Dog thought it was great.
  11. Grubs - Danged if I know. Swimbaits - I like white and something in a green top/light colored bottom., Trailers - Green Pumpkin or black (with some sort of flake).
  12. I like to lose them when they are about halfway back to the boat. I don't have to worry about livewells, weigh in bags, sand papered thumbs, and fish escaping the confines of whatever they are confined in. Bonus is I can tell the "I would have won if I had landed that huge bass" story back at the weigh in.
  13. Hmmmm, an MMA bout between Fat Cat and Dance?
  14. Slow morning for me, found several Largemouth early around a dock, boated 3, lost a couple of others halfway back to the boat. After that it was a grind, caught 2 more bass, keeper sized smallie and a meanmouth. Got them dragging a Megabug on a wobblehead, black/blue or watermelon. Lots of boat traffic and a surprising number of bass fishermen out there.
  15. I think you have a few. I'm looking forward to cooler weather and Wart time!
  16. Solid fish!
  17. That's some pretty darned good fishing. Congrats!
  18. Congrats, that is about as good as it gets for this time of year.
  19. Good one Alex! BTW I recognize that tree in the background. Hooking up the boat in a few minutes...
  20. Was that the "secret" cove? Don't tell anyone where it is.
  21. I have heard a lot of good things said about BassCats, I am sure they are a fine boat. I think just about all the brands out there are decent boats. I am hoping my Phoenix will last me until the day I stop fishing.
  22. Yes I am.
  23. I spent a lot of time trolling for salmon using down riggers. Favorite rod was an Ugly Stick 1186. It's an 8" 6" rod rated MH. I would not say that it is as floppy as some of the other fiber glass rods out there, but it is a great rod for down riggers. Never broke one. I still have one, last time I used it was slow trolling for blue cats over at Grand Lake using bottom bouncers. It might be a tad powerful for your average walleye, but if your objective is getting them in the boat it will work fine.
  24. So should I have reversed the fish or the scale? Or should I have taken the picture from the front of the boat rather from the back?
  25. I agree with you that past administrations, GOP and Dem have contributed to the debt. But, Hillary's policies will do nothing to reduce that debt. Neither will Trump. from a historical standpoint, the biggest yearly deficits have occurred under the Obama administration. Google deficit by year. That being said, I really don't care that much about past history, I want a candidate that will meaningfully address spending. I ain't seeing it from either of our candidates.
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