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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. It is great to be able to fish what many consider to be a regional, if not national, destination fishery. I talk to people all the time that think I'm crazy to drive an hour each way to go fishing there. I don't think it's a problem at all. Great place to fish.
  2. Yeah they probably do it to make sure people aren't using nasty stuff, for example 12V car batteries as "stumps". And that someone doesn't put in a brushpile in front of a ramp. I'm sure all of us here would use common sense, but you know there are exceptions.
  3. In this age of videos for everything, there have to be some brushpile building videos out there.
  4. Can't beat a good pot roast.
  5. Heckuva lot better, it will still bug me a bit, especially after 2 straight days of fishing.
  6. Quillback


    Nice pics.
  7. Excellent, good to see some JB fish.
  8. Yeah Doc, it's a shame this weather won't last for a few more days - but I think there's a football game this Sunday to watch.
  9. Again the Ned was my fish catching lure today. Not finding many places that hold fish, but the ones that do, usually hold several. Caught 8, a mix of LM's and spots off a point in the White channel, rocky point with some timber and has a bit of a ridge that runs out into the cove mouth, top of the ridge is about 20 feet deep. Caught all of them fishing up and down that ridge, dragging, hopping, and shaking the 1/8 oz Ned on the bottom. Did get one on a 1/16 head that Fish 24X7 makes. 1/8 oz head is still just doing better for me than the 1/16. Went up the Kings and caught 1/2 dozen spots off a chunk rock bank and bluff wall. Fish were deep also, 20 FOW on average. Lots of boats out today, especially up the Kings - counted 8 between Viola and the mouth. From the Viola launch across the channel to the opposite bank, there was a bank of blue outboard exhaust smoke, I kid you not. No wind to move it. Water temps 41 to as high as 45 in some places.
  10. Happy birthday Bill, glad to see there is someone on here older than me!
  11. HAHA, yes I was fishing today, better hookups today, I did give them a little more oomph when setting the hook. Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm not too old to learn (yet).
  12. I don't know, my hook setting technique I use with the Ned has been pretty effective until today, let them load up and then give it a pull, not a cross their eye type set. Seems like if I do the all-out hook set, it pulls the Ned out.
  13. I think they have, Friday morning it was 39 where we started, today that same place was 41. Hard to say for sure, but I think maybe a degree higher than Friday.
  14. Tough day, caught 1/2 dozen bass, three of them may have been keeper sized, but barely. Ned caught 5, and one on a grub. Had a spell in the afternoon where I hooked and lost 6 straight fish. Fish were in 10-30 FOW, rocky points with timber. Breezy, sunny, and warm - I expected better results. Water temp 41-42
  15. Yeah, I grilled a few last night.
  16. Welcome! I've never been to Scotland, but sure would like to hear about your fishing experiences over there. Never have heard of a ferox trout, curious as to what it is.
  17. No, I throw it out there and let it sink, then drag it, or lightly hop it back. Very slow fishing it that way, and in a strong wind I would not even try it. Watch your line like a hawk when it is falling, you'll get some bites on the drop, maybe all you'll see is a little tick in the line or it will just stop. Nice thing about the Ned is they will often hold onto it, so if you're a little slow to react to the bite you can still get them.
  18. Thanks for the report - Did you try a 1/8 oz Ned? That for me has been working better than the lighter heads. Those deep fish will bite it at times, takes a while to get down there is the main downside.
  19. Certainly my preference also.
  20. Must have been in the spring - I was watching the MLF show last night that is in Maine and they had a couple of the guys that had qualified from the Oklahoma tourney.
  21. Yeah I saw that, I believe the tourneys run from March into June. I think it's a good thing, it will bring a little more pressure to the area, but, and I am assuming they will release their fish near the ramp, it will benefit the area by bringing fish up to the White river area rather than the usual which is for tournament fish caught in the area to be transported and released in the KC area or wherever down lake location they are fishing out of.
  22. Ditto on that, real easy to get hurt getting on/off the boat. It's a time to be extra careful. Did a face plant on a rocky bank on Grand lake, had a tin boat then, parked it bow first on the bank by the ramp, exited by walking over the bow, went to step on the bank, one foot got hung up on the edge of the boat and went face down hard onto the rocks. Fortunately no permanent damage except for bruises.
  23. HB 315 (Brown), requires the DOC to conduct testing of deceased deer found along state highways for chronic wasting disease. HB 317 (Brown), requires the DOC to reimburse automobile owners of the $500 for damages inflicted upon vehicles by deer. Wow, these 2 proposals above are seriously loony.
  24. Sorry to hear that, seems to be something a lot of us fishermen get. Had the same kind of deal in my left elbow a couple of years ago, I was pitching jigs a lot that year, and I pitch them with my left arm. It never got so bad that I couldn't fish, but it wasn't pleasant, but it would go away after a couple of days if I did not fish, but would come back next time out If I pitched jigs. I don't think it was as severe as yours sounds. Anyway, once I cut down on the pitching it has gone away.
  25. Yeah I guess I need to just have blue sky in the background, LOL.
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