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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I'm pretty sure Tim Hughes, as part of standard practice, removes the old paint. I imagine most of the custom painters remove the old paint, I would not want one that is painted over the old paint.
  2. Yep, looking forward to game one!
  3. Funny... That is a nice bow.
  4. I like Harold, but not a Darling or Ripken fan, Ripken is really bad in the booth. I think the local KC guys, Physioc and Hudler do a better job than any of the TBS/Fox crews. First two games in KC.
  5. I've had Tim Hughes do some Warts, he does outstanding work.
  6. That's an awesome trip, thanks for the report!
  7. I second that.
  8. ALCS MVP - Lorenzo Cain. Would have been my choice if I had a vote.
  9. Wow, still letting reality set in, never thought we would see KC in the WS this year. Would love to see them play the Cards, but that is starting to look unlikely.
  10. I don't have one, but I have talked to two people who do and they consider them to be useless..
  11. Hey now, it took us a long time and a lot of goldfish to train those 10 lbers to come to the boat when we turn the Hydrowave on, so you just stay away.
  12. I went ahead and booked the "Bunk Lodge" for Thursday night, if you can make it Phil, that's great, if not I'll be there anyway. Actually it's 1/2 the Bunk lodge, she says it can hold up to 4 people if anyone else wants to stay Thursday night. I'm again bringing my dog, I think everyone was cool with him last time, but just thought I would let everyone know.
  13. When I lived in Massachusetts I talked to another fisherman who trolled jitterbugs at night during the summer, he claimed he caught a lot of bass doing that. I don't see why it would not work here during the right time of year.
  14. Must resist temptation. Must not buy. But...they have some neat looking baits. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Duo_Realis_Jerkbait_110SP/descpage-DUOSP10.html#multiview
  15. WOOT-HOOT!
  16. Victims of bad defence.
  17. Good stories there rps.
  18. Thanks for the report Bill, glad to see the jig is getting them.
  19. Must be the water they come from, or what they eat. Grand lake OK blue cats are some of the best tasting freshwater fish I have ever eaten. Small ones that is, under 8 lbs. or so.
  20. Yep I agree, Notre Dame is always given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to rating.
  21. I don't see the number of Mizzou games you Mizzou fans watch, but I get the impression they are trying to make him a conventional pocket passer QB, and I think they'd be better off using him as a mobile, read option type QB.
  22. Hate to see Yadi out.
  23. Yadi is out? Didn't know that.
  24. I keep telling myself to throw them and see what happens. Had a couple of decent days on Beaver throwing them a few years ago in the fall.
  25. Didn't see the game, but glad to see the Birds won.
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