I really like a Zoom Ol' Monster fished at daylight in the summer on a Carolina rig. But I'm fishing it in the stained water of the White river branch. Don't know if it would be effective in the clear water down lake.
Found this in the police reports.
• 9:47 p.m. A caller near Longridge Lane and Murphy Drive said the caller's vehicle was being attacked by a large pig with an ear tag. Officers were unable to locate the pig and the juvenile pig that was with it.
• 10:15 p.m. Police located the two pigs on Elvendon Drive. The pigs were killed by police after the animals destroyed property, killed a cat and chased after officers.
Ham, come on over any time, be glad to host you on the BV lakes, or Beaver, or the White river arm of TR.
Do you have yellow perch on your list? I'm curious how they are doing in Bull, haven't heard much about them the last few years after hearing they had shown up in Bull.
A flash flood watch has been issued for Saturday morning 12 AM until 12 PM. 2-3 inches of rain, with local amounts that could hit 5".
Think Beaver will rise? Mud line time?