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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yeah I am looking forward to the Denver vs KC games. My worry, is that in spite of the Chiefs defense, the Bronks get out ahead by a couple of TD's in the 2nd half forcing KC to play catch up. I have no confidence in Alex Smith leading the Chiefs from behind on the strength of his arm.
  2. Texans have announced they are going to start Casey Keenum against the Chiefs this week. Any guesses on how many times Keenum gets sacked? I'm saying eight.
  3. I could do without the spit flying in front of the camera lens, funny in a way, but good grief. I wasn't too impressed by the magnitude of that backlash either. I'd like to see him pick one of mine out.
  4. Some nice browns, fishing that mouse at night sounds like a great way to fish.
  5. I noticed quite a few empty seats in the outfield areas last night. Cards fans are much more deserving of having a team in the World Series.
  6. I can understand banning lead shot from shotgun shells, but not from rifle ammo. This is more of a move to appease the anti-hunting groups than anything. One more reason why I will never live in California.
  7. Not a given as the Cards now get to face Greinke and Kershaw again. Nice to see Holliday crunch one, sure would help if he gets hot, or at least lukewarm.
  8. I don't pay that much attention to them, I just go when I'm able to go. If I'm planning to go tomorrow morning and I happened to look at the solunar tables and the tables predicted it was going to be slow, I'd still go. And if the fishing turned out to be bad, then I'd have something to blame it on . Back in my salmon fishing saltwater days, tide phases were very important as to where the fish would be, lots of current was generated by tidal conditions.
  9. #14, in your range.
  10. Quillback


    I don't think anyone on the planet predicted 6 and 0. It's possible they could go 9 and 0, next three opponents are beatable.
  11. Great report, thanks, it gives me some ideas for my next trip.
  12. Quillback


    Chiefs win again. Alex Smith was ugly, but at least he's not turning the ball over.
  13. So it sounds like it's 10% ethanol. If the pumps are labeled no-ethanol, then in Arkansas it can contain no more that 1.5% ethanol. Did you talk to someone at the station? They may not know they are selling E10, as they are probably taking the word of whoever it is that delivers it that it is LT 1.5% ethanol. I doubt the station tests it themselves.
  14. Doc - I know that station you speak of. How do you test for ethanol, and how much did you find in the gas you tested that was supposedly ethanol free?
  15. They've beaten the two top LA starters, Greinke and Kershaw, and they've done it starting 2 rookies.
  16. That stinks, let's hope Mauk can get 'er done.
  17. Yeah it does suck, but I like what I've seen of Mauk so far.
  18. Anyone want to speculate where Mizzou will now be ranked? Being undefeated, and just beating the #7 team, I think they should be ranked in the top 10. But my guess is they'll land just outside the top ten, I'm speculating #12..
  19. Just saw a news ticker claiming that Franklin has a separated shoulder and is expected to miss a "few weeks".
  20. Great win for Mizzou, let's hope the Franklin injury isn't serious.
  21. They pulled it off, worrisome to see Franklin injured, but hopefully it's not serious.
  22. Are you asking about Houseman? If so, it is an AGFC ramp and should be open.
  23. The big reservoirs in this part of the country are, for the most part, managed by the Corps of Engineers. To include boat ramps. There are launches managed by other entities, and people are using them, but they may not be close by to where you want to fish and they'll get crowded.
  24. Launched out of Shell Knob early this AM, first time launching there, it's a good ramp with a courtesy dock. Had Jeb holding down the back deck, and off we went to some nearby docks to throw some lures around and wait for a little light in the sky before heading up the Kings. We picked up a couple of LM's between the docks fishing a creature and a Speed Craw, then packed up and motored out. Went up the Kings a ways to a little cove that has a dock on each point and a lot of timber. Picked up a few working jigs in the timber and spoons in the deep water. There was an older gentleman, sitting on the end of one of the docks fishing minnows, that was knocking them dead, getting a fish on every cast, black bass and crappie. Friendly guy, he invited us to fish his spot, but we declined and wished him luck. We eventually picked up our stuff and motored to the mouth of the Kings. Our timing was good, got to the mouth of the river and there was a pretty good schooling bass surface bite going on. Jeb was doing well tossing a Hopkins spoon at the boils, I threw some top water and a crank and caught a few, but not nearly the rate Jeb was getting them on the spoon. Finally I wised up and put on a Cabelas spoon and got a few on it, but of course, by the time I figured things out, things slowed down. Off we went up the White, stopped and fished a couple of favorite spots and except for a few taps, we got nothing. Back up the Kings we went, picked up a couple of random fish and decided to once again fish the mouth. Surface bite was over, but the c-rig bite was good, well at least for Jeb, he again made wise choices, me not so much. That was the last spot we fished, back to the ramp at 1:30 PM. We, well Jeb, caught a lot of fish, at least 50 black bass, biggest maybe 2.5 lbs. Majority of fish were 12-16" fish, probably a 2:1 ratio of spots to LM. Talked to a guy at the ramp who loaded right after we did, he said he and his buddy did well also, lots of fish, but nothing over 2 lbs. Water temp 73.
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