Launched out of Shell Knob early this AM, first time launching there, it's a good ramp with a courtesy dock. Had Jeb holding down the back deck, and off we went to some nearby docks to throw some lures around and wait for a little light in the sky before heading up the Kings. We picked up a couple of LM's between the docks fishing a creature and a Speed Craw, then packed up and motored out.
Went up the Kings a ways to a little cove that has a dock on each point and a lot of timber. Picked up a few working jigs in the timber and spoons in the deep water. There was an older gentleman, sitting on the end of one of the docks fishing minnows, that was knocking them dead, getting a fish on every cast, black bass and crappie. Friendly guy, he invited us to fish his spot, but we declined and wished him luck. We eventually picked up our stuff and motored to the mouth of the Kings.
Our timing was good, got to the mouth of the river and there was a pretty good schooling bass surface bite going on. Jeb was doing well tossing a Hopkins spoon at the boils, I threw some top water and a crank and caught a few, but not nearly the rate Jeb was getting them on the spoon. Finally I wised up and put on a Cabelas spoon and got a few on it, but of course, by the time I figured things out, things slowed down.
Off we went up the White, stopped and fished a couple of favorite spots and except for a few taps, we got nothing. Back up the Kings we went, picked up a couple of random fish and decided to once again fish the mouth. Surface bite was over, but the c-rig bite was good, well at least for Jeb, he again made wise choices, me not so much. That was the last spot we fished, back to the ramp at 1:30 PM.
We, well Jeb, caught a lot of fish, at least 50 black bass, biggest maybe 2.5 lbs. Majority of fish were 12-16" fish, probably a 2:1 ratio of spots to LM.
Talked to a guy at the ramp who loaded right after we did, he said he and his buddy did well also, lots of fish, but nothing over 2 lbs.
Water temp 73.