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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. According to Wiki, his environmental views were considered key to the party's success as far back as 1976 as a freshman in Congress. His views probably made him a little money in the 24 years of public life.
  2. Breast Implant Registry. I know I have spent several hours staring and trying to figure out "Are They Real". Now, I can just access a database and find out.
  3. But Al Gore was making millions off the idea and you are not suspicious of his thoughts on the matter? The common equation here is no matter what the science was in this case, people were making millions off the controversy.
  4. Sorry, I don't believe Rush Limbaugh is a scientist or a an expert on the climate, and I don't think I have ever quoted him as a source of scientific information. But there are many scientific studies and data to support my ideas on the matter, the most important is the fossil records buried under the ground we live on. If you can't think for yourself and let others think for you, don't propagate your opinions. Most spend more time trying to blame someone than trying to figure out the real workings of the issue.
  5. See. If he had been carrying a gun, he could have shot it in self defense.
  6. The Real "Inconvenient Truth".
  7. So it is your side based on the last 10 years or my side for the last several billion years?
  8. Temperatures can be gleaned from the fossil records of the plant fauna of the period. While they are not accurate to any tenth of a degree that some claim we are warming now each decade, they can depict the general consensus of the period.
  9. You left out the ones that actually look at the thing from science and historical data. There are always more than two sides.
  10. Turtles have to eat too.
  11. Technically, the way the agency was designed, he has more jurisdiction and powers of search and seizure than any other law enforcement. A MDC agent does need a warrant for a search and can go anywhere in the state with his powers. But it is only illegal to lie to him if you are proven guilty in a court of law. You are presumed innocent till proven guilty.
  12. I read a little article about the unused vacation this week. Seems like several in the past few years have skipped vacations to give the impression that they are harder workers to their bosses. But in reality, lack of vacation actually leads to decreased production. You have to take a break, life is too short.
  13. They say if you hang a pork chop around your neck, the Mountain Lions will come here in MO. Have not tried it yet.
  14. Tilt caused by the migration of Mountain Lions moving into Mo. from out west....
  15. Go back and read the post, it was satire. At no time did I mention they were a threat to the turkeys, only making fun of MDC for trading turkeys for mountain lions. And all the while, making fun of the other conspiracy theories on the matter of this discussion. Have fun with the crocs.
  16. I really don't buy that theory, any hunter would know the difference in the track left behind. Personally, I really don't know why anyone would report a sighting in the first place. It is not a big deal unless it is harming something. Cats are more illusive than bears, but they are getting alot more publicity lately.
  17. As far as the first few questions, only someone in the MDC knows, feel free to call or email, they are normally more than happy to answer any questions. I really doubt if they killed it to prove a point. And the nature of people that kill things illegally is that they don't report what they did to a local agent. The coyote hunt is a big thing this time of year, the recent snow makes them come out to feed more in the daylight and they contrast more against the snow so they are easier to spot. I have several friends that hunt them this time of year mainly because they are one of the only open species to hunt and it is the best time to hunt them. After the snow Thurs, we spotted several on the farm and the tracks that night revealed several more.
  18. So it works as advertised??
  19. The original statement was that DDT lead to the decline of the Snow Goose, Wild Turkey, and Bald Eagle and that eliminating DDT brought them all back, has no proof. Snow Goose and Wild Turkey populations declined in the early 1900's due to habitat destruction and over hunting long before widespread use of the DDT. Deer and other waterfowl declined the same time for the same reasons. Bald Eagles accumulated DDT which made the egg shells thin which kept them from reproducing to the point of near extinction. Eliminating DDT helped bring them back.
  20. All right, all of you have wore me down to where I see the point and probably the truth of the matter. The MDC law enforcement division has acted unethically against the oath they took for the sole purpose of.. Allowing individuals to shoot mountain lions that really don't exist in this state as they pass thru illegally for the sole purpose of... Collection of a number of carcasses that can be processed into taxidermy mounts paid for by our tax dollars for the sole purpose of.. Placing the mounted carcasses into all of the local area offices with a sign stating "this is what we traded our turkey's for this year". Makes sense, I really think the corrupt agency that provides us with all of our outdoor entertainment is capable of such a conspiracy just to fool us. And it explains what happened to the flock of turkeys that disappeared from my hunting area, I was beginning to think someone might have dumped some old DDT out there. The first head shot was taken because the light was shining on his eyes and you aim between them. The second head shot was taken because the cat was poised still in a prone position waiting to pounce on its prey, like cats do. Give it a break or apply to become an agent.
  21. Stoneroller brought up Dick Cheney, surprised he did not blame it on Bush. This is not poaching, poaching is someone killing something against the law. The last 2 cases were killed in self defense, the animal was turned in and the shooting was reported, no laws were broken. Poachers would have sold the hide, stashed the carcass, and would have kept quiet about it.
  22. Duhh, they had a gun! Only sheep that are not armed back away.
  23. Naa, more sporting to shoot them "in the wild". The analogy seem to be, "Mountain Lions are Endangering Man", so they are getting shot. If they would be more nocturnal and elusive, maybe they would not end up in the crosshairs.
  24. After the Flobee and the Pocket Fisherman, I realized all Ron sells is crap. Besides, you can buy all of the stuff at Alco.
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