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Ron Burgundy

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. I thought the FLW had only been to BS one time?.....the PWT was there 3 times.
  2. I like Oakley too but this will sound stupid but what I like about the Costa's I'm looking at is the blue mirror lens and Oakley doesn't offer those in Polaroid lens....I went to the Oakely site and custom built some and they don't offer those in blue mirror....thanks for the input, I will check out the smiths before I get some.
  3. Thanks
  4. If u have some Costa polarized sunglasses do u like them?.......I'm thinking about getting some.
  5. That's what I thought but I trust what this guy tells me.
  6. Thanks guys, the reason I ask was I have a friend that is catching walleye below the 62 bridge on creek chubs....I didnt know about the barbless hook rule....he told me the hooks had to be barbless but I wasn't sure.....his biggest eye so far is 9lbs.
  7. But Bry, these guys are catching 10 plus pound walleye on a regular basis it sounds....if u have catch that size on a regular basis then u have my attention.
  8. I checked sweetwater today and I will not attempt to launch my boat there.
  9. Is the sweetwater ramp useable?
  10. He's talking about beaver lake.
  11. Thanks
  12. As long as I'm in the Arkansas part of TR I can use a 5 hook A Rig, right?
  13. Is there a trophy area in the 62 bridge area?.....do u have to use barbless hooks by the bridge?
  14. Sfiser, yes it's useable...:there is two small American flags marking the ramp.
  15. I checked clifty today and there is maybe 10 ft of the ramp left.....not sure I can launch there but did check at Beaver town by the swinging bridge and u can launch there....for those that might go after a walleye.
  16. What about Big Clifty ramp?
  17. Thanks for the ramp info, I was planning on launching there in a few weeks.
  18. Why does Beaver seem to produce better bags of bass in the winter time vs warmer months?
  19. Congrats champ it's a beauty, Ranger makes the best boat period, bass or walleye.....I own a Skeeter but have been lucky enough to fish out of a Ranger and their the best.
  20. A walleye selection is not complete without Reef Runners.......I spent two weeks in MN and it was very nice to step in a outdoor store where the fishing department was pretty much walleye only.
  21. Possibly one of John L. Smith's properties??.......Thanks Jeff Long u prick!!!!
  22. Surely someone knows about this????
  23. Kwall, I will let u know.....I'm hoping they will.
  24. Green line it blends in the with nasty water thats in TR...ha.....offended many I'm sure but I couldn't resisit.
  25. Kwall the thing u have to remember when reading some of the reports about TR walleye from guys like RPS, Powerdive, Bullitt and so on, these guys have put many many hours into searching for TR eyes and have been rewarded very well. If u are going to drive 3 hrs it only makes sense that Bull Shoals is the place that will be worth your efforts with the price of gas and everything else invoved in catching a fish......TR is a 30 minute drive for me and BS is an hour and a half drive and with limted trips and time to fish I say screw with "fishing" I go catching on BS.
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