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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by BilletHead

  1. Dirty air here too Jeff. Like we are being sandblasted.
  2. I watched Pat go through it. Held her hand from the beginning through all of her treatment. I very well know what you are talking about Dutch. It's your choice @oneshot 1, Don't listen to just anyone. Listen to your doctors.
  3. Some get it Ollie and some don't. Some know you reap what you sow and some are entitled. Consider 50 percent pretty good. Congrats man.
  4. Now its ten confirmed dead in Missouri from the storms. 😕
  5. How are our St. Louis OA area members doing, Check in and let us know you are OK. Five dead in Missouri from that big line of storms. To the east when it fires up again today the weather scale is a five out of five rating. the rating has only been issued twice before. Batten down the hatches it's going to get bumpy out there. Crying wolf you say? What is that saying? Take that ounce of prevention.
  6. We are blessed to have landowners as friends. Treat your friends right and they do the same for you. Just do a drive by these folks and say hi and ask how are you all doing, see some livestock out and if you can run them back in do it. We do this often here just down the road several times a year. If we can't get that done give them a call and then assist. You reap what you sow. I guess we are beyond blessed.
  7. Time will tell. It's beyond our control. Quit letting it get under your skin and catch,kill and eat them. Maybe someday they will have a bounty or a trade in like the callery pear. Bring one in and get a crappie in trade. 😆
  8. Yup. Mistakes are made. At least they are owning it.
  9. Thanks, I read that in a press release the other day. I agree fully. Like anything deemed to be invasive. Funny how those trees were promoted years ago as good. Just like the autumn olive sold by the conservation department also now an invasive.
  10. She is big time. Her Requests are beginning to get complicated though.😆
  11. Not a carcass seen out of the water. Clean so far. Problem there is that water can go down quickly. Shallow sloping bank. If it does could be a mess showing up.
  12. Watching the river gauges for height and cfs plus a report from @curtisce and his dog Foster from yesterday it was time to head to Oklahoma for a try. Launching was a breeze we were on the water heading upstream. From the current water flow and maybe Grand lake maybe a tad high the lower shoal was deeper than normal. Up a bit further found some flow but with the water being still on the cool side it was shallow, too shallow for right now. Backed down a bit from there and tried. A boat of three had a spot and caught several spin fishing with white twister tails. I strung up the long rod and tied on a pink over white Clouser. Worked that long mud and log cut bank without a bite. Sink tip line I was really feeling the gravel bottom. Pulled the trolling motor up and moved down around a curve to work slower water below a long steep bluff bank that goes from 0 to 8 foot depth fairly quick. I finally picked up a white at about 4 foot. This fired up Pat and she built her rod. I tossed her a reel with a sink tip and she tossed it back at me, I'm going to throw my floating line my Clouser will go deep enough then she tied on a chartreuse over white. Pat proceeds to catch a couple nice shows back to back. I cut my pink over white Clouser off and put on a chartreuse over white and never looked back but I changed to a not so heavy sink tip. We then worked that bank keeping 16 fish. Pat's biggest was over two pounds mine two on the nose. Lots of nice ones. Had to weed through many smaller ones during the trip. PB and J sammiches and sunshine nourishing our bodies it felt good. About one ish took fish out of the live well put on a stringer and cut to bleed them and into the ice filled cooler for the trip home. Back at the ramp I dropped Pat off to back in the trailer. I waited and waited for her to back down the ramp. Nothing so I beached the boat and walked up to her blocked in by three trucks and trailers with previous loaded boats. Her with the truck running with lights on. I asked the guys to move up or back a bit, why they asked? I said you see that lady in that truck with the lights on? She needs out to back down the ramp to pick me up. Oh we didn't see her. I said I can see her and hear that truck. We will move and they did. We loaded and got out of the way to batten things down for the ride home. Pat said watch your steps huh? Look here. Something you hate to see at a boat ramp at least it was capped, Back home the fish were filleted, VID_20250313_160520983.mp4 For those that don't like white bass for heavens sake trim off every bit of red. Fish fry tomorrow 😁.
  13. Like @basska it was time to hit the local favorite pond. Last Monday secured permission for another year on a pond. Windy and some stain in the water from the last run off. Fly rods in hand we started walking the bank. Pat scored first with a two pound thirteen ounce bass. VID_20250310_114602867.mp4 Then a couple little ones more for her. I caught a couple smaller ones myself. I went a little farther to a wind blown bank. Tough punching a fly into the wind with a 6 wt. Casts didn't go far but the bass were right next to the bank in the crashing waves. My Big fish for that trip was a three pound fifteen ounce fatty. Some nice bluegill too for both of us. What was next? Fried fish of course. Nothing wrong with bass out of cold waters.
  14. That service has become a farce!
  15. Yep, Did reel recovery for the men there, also Reeling and healing for the women. Plus a few years for the women casting for recovery. All of those participants men and women caught some nice fish. There is a catch and release area they fished. It was my pleasure to take some of these men and women fishing.
  16. Well done Daryk! I have had some deals with @JUNGLE JIM 1. Good guy and quality stuff for sure!
  17. We see stuff like this around here too. Not very much larger stuff dumped but I just can't understand why they can't pick up bait containers or artificial lure bags and boxes and wal mart sacks and food containers. If you can take it out of your vehicle you can surely put it back, take it home and find a trash can.
  18. Heck yeah! I really did like that job. Except for tornadoes, ice storms, severe thunderstorms with high winds and ground to cloud lightning. Yes lightning goes from ground to cloud. Just shy of 25 years.
  19. I'm not sure this is a good thing to try or not. It could start some ramifications that we could not stop. Laws can be changed to the better or worse. We could very well end up like Wyoming on all streams. Just something to think about.
  20. Rusty knows his stuff! Thanks John.
  21. Do you think you might of burned the candle from both ends in your youth?
  22. Just stand back and supervise. Let a young Buck or doe do it. Depending on their age and knowledge they may need that supervision.
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