A couple years ago, all I kept reading about on here was the ned rig. Ned rig this, ned rig that etc.etc. Being a fly fisherman only (preference, not snobbery.....as far as you know), I had to look it up to see what you all were talking about. Seeing how bass fly fishermen are always snagging ideas from traditional tackle guys, I wanted to see what I could come up with. I tried a couple different size jig heads to see what I could throw or lob with my 8wt and I can tell you from experience, they don't feel good upside the back of my head. Ended up with this smaller head and tied some up in purple/black, brown and olive using flashy chenille. Pulled in my first little bass on it the other day.
I know it's not a true ned, so be kind. I had to call it something.