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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by semble

  1. semble

    What's Cooking?

    Population control? Hard to get pregnant again if she's grounded.
  2. semble

    What's Cooking?

    We didn't get a single tomato out of 8 plants. Been eating a lot of thieving rats the past few months.
  3. Been working hard on a new blind this year. The dry weather really helped getting materials on site. Door, shelves and stairs will get finished on Thursday.
  4. My mom found this card my dad made for her and shared it with me. I believe it would have been their 55th anniversary last Friday. My wife says the nut doesn't fall from the tree.
  5. @Smalliebigs Scary stuff, its no joke the way our creeks can come up! Glad you made it out ok.
  6. semble

    What's Cooking?

    We had BLTs lastnight with another BLT for the side. Like yours, the tomato was one of the better ones so far this year.
  7. Buddy of mine was at Troutt and Son's recently. Didn't have much. Told him manufacturers are having trouble getting hulls built.
  8. Never been on that strech before but really enjoyed it. An extra day next time would be nice; could fish some areas more thoroughly and not have to paddle so hard through the dead water to make miles.
  9. semble

    What's Cooking?

    My wife really enjoyed this show. I liked the cooking aspect of it but, the adventure part was too "Bear Grylls" for me. She also enjoyed the first few seasons of Master Chef Junior with him.
  10. semble


    Not even any yaks or rafts this time.. all jets. Better to deal with them while their coolers are still full, although less entertaining.
  11. We had a great trip. Put in further up river than the original plan. Water was a little muddy and there were plenty of long slow pools. Caught plenty of fish, had a good night camping and my buddy caught a 18.5" largemouth on his birthday for a new PB. Wish I could have gotten a pic of his fish but, hearing him hootin' and hollerin' from over 200 yds away was pretty cool.
  12. semble


    I've been getting off the water earlier and earlier to avoid them.
  13. semble


    Thanks, that's how I remember it. If we decide to use the access, we will scout first. Have no interest in the meramec on the weekend but, we are thinking about going futher up the Bourb.
  14. semble


    I know the channel moved a few years ago. Any access to river from Mayers anymore? Planning on a 2 day float this weekend and was thinking about the lower bourb.
  15. surface temps were 81-83 yesterday morning on the lower end of the river. What about turbidity?
  16. semble

    What's Cooking?

    Got burgers and corn planned for the grill this evening with cucumber and onion salad, as well.
  17. semble

    What's Cooking?

    Had squirrels strip one of our tomato plants.
  18. No problem. To be honest, I had forgotten I had it. Good luck finding your lid!
  19. I have a hammered lid, I think size 8. Not sure what brand. I'll dig it out tonight and get a look at it.
  20. My wife and I went camping last weekend. Went to an out of the way campground that outside of holiday weekends normally only has a couple groups camping. It was overflowing with people in trailers and side by sides. Talked to a local couple and they said it had been that way since march and if you aren't there Thursday morning you are not getting a spot that weekend. Hate to think about the water quality in the little creek nearby with a 100+ people camping there every weekend and no facilities.
  21. I've noticed and increase of pressure on the areas I fish. I usually only fish during the week and in a normal year can go weeks without seeing another boat. I haven't had the river to myself for months and I'm seeing limb lines in pools I've never seen them in before. Talked to a guy at a ramp a few weeks back that was headed out for catfish, said he normally fishes another river but hadn't been catching much and thought it was fished out due to all the pressure.
  22. @snagged in outlet 3 Looks like you picked up the same battery I replaced my cranking battery with. So far no issues. I throw a charger on mine almost everytime I get home. Its not unusual to read 12.6v after a morning on the water. I typically make a lot of short runs so, I don't believe the motor gets the chance to fully recharge the battery. @fishinwrench Agree with you on the exide. If I could have sourced one locally, I would not have looked elsewhere.
  23. semble

    What's Cooking?

    Thank you, you are too kind. For now, we are doing ok and I think my mother-in-law still has a good supply.
  24. semble

    What's Cooking?

    I've been out of yeast for months and have not seen any in stores since Feb. My mother-in-law was kind enough to share some yeast and her focaccia recipe with me.
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