But it doesn't just dissipate out into neverending space...it gets trapped in our atmosphere, and in turn the CO2 and other greenhouse gasses trap thermal radiation. Hence the temp increase. It's not that complicated, and it's been thoroughly studied, the data has been collected scientifically and objectively, and it has been proven to be true.
We're obviously grappling with solutions to the energy problem. It's gonna take time, patience, lots of money, and many, many failures before we find a path to clean, sustainable energy. We're only in the infancy stages. But to speed up the process, it's critical that people pull their heads out of the sand and support the research and development that is required to get there. The misinformation and flat out lies from the oil industry is a huge hurdle and is the only reason people deny climate change in the first place...they put politics over science and reason, and ultimately corporations over the environment...in order to tow the party line...in order to keep the oil pumping and the money flowing to those companies. Why average Joe nobodies fight tooth and nail for corporations that screw them every day...I have no idea. All I know is we can't fix this problem in denial. Let's face the facts and get to work.
Maybe natural gas can be a small part of a transitional fix to the problem. But it's still a finite resource, and we already know what kind of damage it can do just getting the stuff out of the earth. It's not a permanent solution. We need big money invested in big ideas to solve this problem, and since big business has decided to sit on their asses and not do anything with their two trillion dollars, the government has to step in and make some investments. Some will fail...that's part of progress. It's better than doing nothing. I haven't heard any ideas out of anyone else.