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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Ned, drop shot, damiki.... I got the mold in a blind trade from a guy in Ohio. It just came today and I haven’t quite seen anything like it before. The baits are about 4” long.
  2. I put my wpts on my friend's Garmin. I'm pretty sure that I saved them in gpx format before I loaded them to his unit.
  3. That puts you a few miles from the dam down in the clear water. A few miles to the is the confluence of the Little and Big Sac rivers. The Big Sac runs north and south there while the Little Sac comes in from the South East. There is little timber in the lower part of the lake. Price's Branch in the Little Sac (Pt 12) has some timber and the first creek above State Park Marina is Maze. It too has some timber. Everything else close is timber less coves. There are bluff ends up the Little Sac and up the Big Sac. Just south of the mile long bridge which you can see as you move south of Orleans is Hawker Point. It has a very large bay area with a variety of points and smaller coves. Most every point on the lake has some kind of brush pile or piles. Most of them are less than 25' deep. I hope this helps in some way. If I were on anything current I would pass it along and if I hear anything substantial I will let you know. Good luck Derek.
  4. Are you in a tournament? If so where is the launch? Do you like main lake or up river fishing?
  5. Last week Arigs were working in the State Park area points, bluff ends, timber. I have not been lately.
  6. it looks like a really big brown fish to me not a meanie.
  7. Are you planning to link it with anything down the road?
  8. Good goin Bo. I guess I need to move locations and techniques as the Flat and James were unproductive yesterday but I decided that they would eat the Arig or go hungry.
  9. I have the Lake Master card. I really like it it works well with my birds and MK Ulterra..
  10. Dutch


    My guess would be never as they tried pike and tiger muskie with limited results.
  11. Dutch


    Will you please elobrate. I don’t understand the training and license part. What kind of drone are you talking about?
  12. You might also need to look at the boat off set.
  13. I’ll play my BS CARD now.
  14. I saw the same thing in the state park area on Stockton.
  15. I wonder if he is paying for advertising?
  16. Super day. That many brown fish is awesome.
  17. Dutch


    That’s a lot colder than my bird showed in the Little Sac on Saturday. We had 51° to 55° depending on location.
  18. I’ve never used a keitech but have heard they are pretty fragile. On my homemade ones I even add a little hardner to make them more durable.
  19. My stock never runs out. I have a mold. I also use flukes and have a mold.
  20. Timber. Lots of hangups.
  21. I caught 3 keepers in 7 hours using it today. I only had 4 bites all day long.
  22. You might call some boat dealerships and see if they offer that service or know of someone.
  23. The bluff bite has gone away for me too. We used to catch a bunch on them. Two of us fished 6 hours last week for 4 keepers and 1 short. They were all in the 30’ range.
  24. Traded to Russell marine products in El Dorado KS.
  25. Looks good. We just go to Downstream Casino and have their big buffet.
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