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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Have you tried a regular bell sinker on the inside? They can be pretty effective.
  2. What size are you looking for? What size hook? What kind of weed guard? I've done a lot of experimenting with tubes and rigging over the years. I might be able to help.
  3. We stayed below Carr's on this trip. I went up for less wind and I had been on fish 10 prior.
  4. And I thought I was a grammar Nazi.
  5. I've not heard of browns there but it doesn't surprise me. We used to catch the occasional rainbow when winter fishing for walleye and whites.
  6. Ark Rod is the company that builds them. Rock Springs Tackle is their retail outlet.
  7. I was hoping to find the fish were I found them last Tuesday. Nope not a bite. So I headed up river. We fished up in the James. The water was 48° every where we went compared to 50°-54° last week. The first place I stopped I caught a keeper greenie on an A rig. No more bites on it so I switched to a worm and my pard went to a jig. We both caught fish but the worm was catching more so he switched. We caught 24 more then tried the A rig again. We picked up 7 more on it (a keeper spot, keeper brown fish and keeper green fish). That bite died so we went back to the worm bank and caught 3 more. We wound up with 35 bass, (1 keeper spot, 4 keeper smallmouth and 3 keeper largemouth). I had hoped for a bite before the weather change and I found it.
  8. X2 I won't use them without weed guards and I rarely fish anything heavier than a 3/32 oz head.
  9. I don't even like the wire keepers. My mold came with the keeper slot. I tried a few and did not like it so I filled it in with high temp RTV silicone. I also had to drill out the hook eye sockets so I could use a larger hook.
  10. I've tried several and wanted a bigger hook so I bought the Midwest Finesse Jig mold and make my own. So far I have only used 3 sizes(1/16, 3/32, and 1/8). I use the 1/16 most of the time. Dave used to supply Fin and Feather Sport shop in Springfield, MO with his heads. You might call them and see if they still carry them. 417-887-4680
  11. You are only as good as your weakest link. If it is only one year old you probably won't have any problems. If it were 2 or 3 years old I'd say buy new.
  12. I got a fluke mold because some of the guys who are learning to make baits wanted one. I also bought the lamination plate instead of making one. It seems to be a very good mold and pretty easy to use.
  13. The COE has to approve most any thing connected with streams and lakes. I wanted to make a ditch to Spring creek so I could get fresh water for the cows. I was told that the COE would have to approve it, give me specs to follow and inspect after finished. I opted for a pond.
  14. Shoot all we have is wet grass.
  15. I wonder if this is like the plan to dam up Crane Creek that has been around for decades. I knew some guys who are long since dead that bought up land that was supposed to be lake front property. It is still old rocky hill sides down in Stone County.
  16. Is that Fellows Lake?
  17. Are they changing models or going out of business? That is a heck of a deal for anyone needing bait casters.
  18. You might call Marine Repair Center in Springfield. I was in there today and they had a bunch of trolling motors maybe they have what you want? 417-833-9191
  19. That is a 20 year old boat $3500 sounds max to me.
  20. .Put in at Cape around 8 ran up the river above Pt 15. Fished up to Carr's. We had a couple of crappie and 13 bass. The bite got real slow as the wind got stronger. We worked our way down river all the way to JL Hollow where I got one on an A rig. Of the 14 bass 6 were keepers (4 brown fish and 2 spots). 2 of the brownies were over 3#. Jigs were the beat bait of the day. We saw water temps from 48° to 54°. Water was pretty clear up river. Clearer than below Wooly.
  21. I drove down there. The water color is great. Heading that way in the morning.
  22. Wow just another reason to be thankful to be raised Protestant. My teachers never laid a hand on me.
  23. I would like to fish the James above Bridge Port does anyone know the conditions in that area?
  24. Nope. I just use the one I got at O'Reilly's.
  25. Thanks for the pics. It is a beautiful place to visit (in the summer) but you can keep your sub zero temps. BRRRRRRR.
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