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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Based on what you have posted lately wanting to fish for bass. If it were me I'd be going somewhere around Lead Hill or Buck Creek. That opens up both ways without running 50 miles. Both of the Sugar Loafs, Big Creek, Buck Creek, Trimble, Becky, Bear and Elbow can all be extremely good. You might google elbow bend and see what resorts they have. There are also cabins around Lead Hill.
  2. Those look similar to the ones I used to make with Bakudan swivels. Do those swivel?
  3. I finally got a return call from the COE about River Run today. I was told that the closure was due to needed electrical box repairs in the campground. They locked it up to keep the copper wire from being stolen. The ranger who called me said that it would be reopened as soon as the repairs are done and it was reported that a crew was sent out yesterday but had not contacted Mt. Home about progress.
  4. Here is one I made for my s-i-l a few years back.
  5. They have to eat. If you get a spoon close to them they are apt to take it no matter what month it is. I've caught a lot of January fish jigging spoons. I use several colors but silver has been good as well as white lately. Some hooks tipped with feathers and some not. It didn't seem to matter much.
  6. I had seen your other post and was wondering as it is likely 70 miles from one end to the other. You should be able to find lodging around the middle of the lake like at Lead Hill. Then you could go up or down or fish one of the big creeks in that area. Like Ham stated in May everything should be feeding and pretty shallow.
  7. So are you going to go on two trips or are you planning on covering the whole lake?
  8. Watch the lake level. It can vary as much as 30' in the spring. Buster Loving would be the guide I'd call.
  9. Nice brown fish. Yesterday I fished out of Hartley on Stockton. We had to park in the ditch close to the highway. More boats than in the spring many using jigs, sticks, and A rigs.
  10. I found a few crappie today in 36 fow but not many so I went walleye fishing. My pard and I had 2 limits of keepers fishing plastics and spoons down to 50'. Saw enough shad in the mouth of Hawker to fill a gymnasium. Fished them for 30 min and only caught one white. No there bites around them.
  11. I'm heading for Mutton Creek myself. I haven't been able to catch crappie in the Little Sac this fall.
  12. Phil you are on. PM sent.
  13. You could call the Mt. Home COE office and ask them.
  14. I'm betting that is a decoy like duck hunting.
  15. I did crappie fish and talked with a couple of other guys who did the same. I couldn't catch any morning fish. It wasn't until the white caps started that I found them. I wound up with 13 keeper crappie and 1 keeper walleye. My fish were 32-36 feet deep just off the bottom. One guy had 11 keepers which he got in 22-26 fow. His was also an afternoon bite. A couple of other guys had 22-23 keepers which they caught early and said they were deeper than 45 feet. So much for a pattern.
  16. I didn't bass fish today and only talked to one bass guy. He never had a bite and was using jerks and jigs.
  17. Dutch


    After Bob cleaned off the ramp, who used it? How did you do? For anyone in that area, how much new snow did you get Friday night?
  18. Since you are in Springfield I recommend that you go to Bass Pro and look at the various units that they have. Ask questions and have them demonstrate the functions of various units. Today's units are pretty complicated if you get into structure scanning. For me a good gps is a must so that I can pinpoint cover and return to it time and time again. For that reason I run 2 gps units with that are connected via nmea 2000 network and ethernet cables. As for transducer mounting if you have a fiberglass boat mount the stern one inside the bilge area. Put the bow unit's transducer on the trolling motor. If I weren't going to have 2 units, mine would be at the bow as that is where I spend hours and only minutes at the helm. I have a 20' boat and for years ran one unit at the bow with 2 switched transducers.
  19. So how did you tough ole boys do today? Did the line ever stop freezing? How are the roads?
  20. What style of head and how big of a hook are you wanting? You can email mark@blueriversales.com. I'm sure he can get you most any color and size.
  21. You guys are too tough for me and my road is still covered with snow and ice. I lost a boat and truck trying to get to Cape Fair on the ice one time. Are the highways clear?
  22. Even baked and epoxy coated jigs will chip it you fish them in rocks. Most of the places I throw my jigs, they don't last long enough for me to worry about the paint.
  23. I figured that must be where they are. I looked at everything else there and on Low. If it ever thaws I'm going to explore and see if I can find my own. I lose fish when they leave the banks and go to the shad schools. I want to keep in touch with them if I can.
  24. QB did you find the screen shots in the stickys at the top? I haven't looked at them but did look at the other posts on Bird and Low forums.
  25. Those are a couple of beautiful pics man. Thanks for sharing.
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