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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. OK does down around Rouark mean that you are up in the river? I am fishing main lake all over the place. Sometimes points sometimes bluffs sometimes pocket coves.
  2. Console ping 50 tmotor ping 100 Color line in the 60s Sens as high as possible with out messing up the pic No zoom bar No amplituce scope Noise rejection m Surface clarity depends on the wind
  3. Have you been fishing brush?
  4. They do move around don't they. Just the other day they were in 35-40 feet or water right smack dab on the bottom.
  5. Check your manual for reset procedures, it may be a software problem.
  6. I haven't been there for over a week. The COE is drawing the lake down and some of the shoals are getting very shallow. Last time out I hit a couple of stumps so I think I'm done there for a while. I was using several types of plastics like slab hunters, tubes, and slider grubs. The other day I saw a guy pull in several lmb on spinnerbaits. The banks are mud on that side of the bridge so wear old clothes and boots.
  7. Your closest place would be to go out Hwy D to where it intersects with PP. Take PP to the McCracken Bridge. There is a place to park where guys launch boats just below the bridge. There can be some good smallmouth, white bass, and crappie fisning in that area.
  8. If he has a gun and is not observant enough to notice me or care where he should hunt, I'm thinking he is a greenhorn or a moron. Either way I'm not saying anything and getting out of Dodge.
  9. Be sure to price a $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 the 2M should only be about $15-20 per month.
  10. E I don't go for brand name jigs. I go for head design to fit the type of bottom where I'll be fishing. I fish 5 types of heads: football, ball, arke, banana, and posion tail.
  11. The umbrella policy is a good idea. If it were me, I'd be having who ever wanted me to take someone fill out a form where they accepted liability or I'd not take the guest for them.
  12. I was told by a guy who swore that MO gasoline no longer has ethanol in it because the price has dropped and has made ethanol not cost effective any more. Is he off his nut or has this actually happened?
  13. With the year we have had, I'd say anything could be happening. In places around here forsythia is blooming and in others orchard grass is putting on heads, so why not a fish in prespawn out of season.
  14. Contact Dell at Aurora canvass in Battlefield. He made me one almost 10 years ago it has been all over the midwest and spent a lot of time outside and still looks new.
  15. All there of them are owned by the same people. Get the phone # of one of them and they should be able to tell you where minners can be bought.
  16. http://www.hideawayresort.com/fishingreport/
  17. With the recent rain Pomme is going to be rolling mud again. It hadn't cleared up from the last deluge.
  18. As of Friday BS was 24' over pool. Somewhere around Beaver Creek or K Dock will probably be all that is available.
  19. How is the water color? I have only been to PdT and TR and both were muddy.
  20. If you ever take it apart you will see all the cylinders in the anti reverse clutch. That is what binds when wet. Keep it out of the water and you will be fine to go. That is the only draw back that shimano has.
  21. Nothing wrong with them. They work just fine. The symmetry is a bit smoother. In fact, in the dark I can't tell a symmetry from a stradic. I like the symmetrys so much I have 8 to 10 of them while only having 2 sedonas, 2 saharas, and 4 stradics.
  22. I have all three of them as well as Stradics. I rarely use the Saharas and Sedonas. For my money the Symmetry is the way to go. It is very close to the Stradic.
  23. I agree with Wayne. I got into it a few years ago when I had 5 rifles to load. I bought all the stuff and was in a gun club. Now I only have one rifle and shoot 3 or 4 bullets per year.
  24. Those whites and Ks seem to bunch up like that a lot in the fall. One year I got on them in the Buttermilk area and they were from 10'-40'. You could catch them till you were tired, rest then go at it again. They stayed in the same area for 7 weeks.
  25. Personally I am giving mother nature time to settle down and let BS drop about 15' before I start down there again. I have found most of my smallmouth from Tucker Hollow down the lake. White bass will be migrating up streams from January to April. However, if the water is way high they will be hard to find as their usual hangouts will be very deep.
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