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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Zeros are what Strike King calls the elaxtech baits that Zman calls Zinkers
  2. Fished around Crabtree Cove for 3 hours this pm. Managed 11 with 5 keeps. May have had a quadfecta if this is a mm. The second one is the one in question. It just looked a lot different than the other brown fish that I caught today.
  3. I never went above State Park. It was clear there and down toward the dam. When I drove over Turkey creek it was nearly muddy.
  4. Nice, good bunch of fish there. Did you actually catch them on Taneycomo? Is your color a secret? Purple over orange with a tad of orange crystal flash in a 30 grain jig has always been my go to color after the sun goes down.
  5. As I stated, I could not find anything out away from the bank but I didn’t try very hard as I was using my new “leggy” jig in the lightest weight to see how it worked on Stockton. First results were promising. All of the fish were hooked in the roof of the mouth and none hooked deep. I am working on a similar one for my Neds.
  6. Learn how to remove a bait from a gut hooked fish and your tube size and rigging won’t matter.
  7. I fished out of State park today from 10:30-3:30. I fished between there and Orleans Trail. I caught 14 bass all on Zeros. They were in coves in about 6 fow. I couldn't get a bite deeper than that. I weighed my best 5. They ranged from 4.75 pounds to 2 pounds for a total of 14.5 pounds. This post has been promoted to an article
  8. I decided to try the 3.23 with a 5.3 V8 motor. I searched all over for what I wanted and only found one truck. It was in Blue Springs. I drove up to have a look and wound up buying it. I have pulled the boat to Cape Fair and Stockton State Park. It did a good job.
  9. I use USGS for information on Pomme de Terre and Stockton but have never found anything similar on Table Rock. Is there anything out there?
  10. Thanks for clarifying that. I hear lots of guys talking about up by the dam. I assumed that they were talking up as north instead of up stream. I plan to go to State Park Tuesday and am looking for clear water to try out my new jigs so I guess I will work my way towards the dam.
  11. Does the tm have a fuse in the head? You might call Scott or Brad and ask what to check that hasn’t been mentioned. They deal with that kind of stuff all day long. 414-833-9191
  12. How far up did you go? Did you get above HighPoint?
  13. If your truck is a 2x4 you may have trouble going up wet ramps.
  14. Dutch


    That man has some serious skill. I am talented enough to turn on a television and start my truck, not much else. I still have the spear point you knapped for me some time back.
  15. I was fishing without weed guard yesterday. Next trip I will try it like this.
  16. I had a new jig that I’ve been working on and decided to run down and give it a try. I did not go above Martin Hollow. The farther up I went the more debris I found and the water went from off color to almost muddy. I caught a few bass none of which were picture worthy. The water was 58° and 59° every where I went. I caught a few KYs that had not spawned. There were few rigs at the ramp and few at the other launch sites. With the added rain I think I will take Cape Fair off my list of places to go for a while. Back to the drawing board on the jig. I lost too many of them.
  17. Two of my brothers in law liked them as well as any other fish. I personally don’t care for them.
  18. I am in the same boat as you. I could never get used to a lefty bc reel. I’m better at casting left handed than reeling a bc with it.
  19. This is a Swivel Ease that was in my 206 Champion. I have no need for it. If you can use it you can have it. If I have to ship it you pay the shipping.
  20. Your best bet will be to go to big nation wide sites like Bass Boat Central and Bass Resource. Check their electronics for sale and fishing flea market forums regularly. Guys are always upgrading and selling their used stuff. Another option would be Bass Pro Catalog Outlet. They had several of them NIB this past winter.
  21. That is a good reason to buy new. It comes with a factory warranty.
  22. We burned wood for years then moved to town. We didn’t plan to burn wood and did not include a fireplace or stove in the plans, but a few years ago when I called for propane I was told I had to agree to the price in advance. I said I could get by with 500 gallons. They said it would be $3000. I said forget it. I drug out a chainsaw drove to one of the farms and went to cutting wood again. I also bought a wood burning stove.
  23. Find someone to cut it on the shares. That is what I do.
  24. I’ve owned both. If I were choosing it would be the Lowe.
  25. On its way to MS
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