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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I have not heard of them. In fact I didn't know people still used marabou.
  2. If you have questions all you have to do is call Rachel at the Corps office and ask her. If she doesn't know the answer, she knows someone who does. { 417-276-3113 }
  3. You can launch just below Mash Hollow at the road that goes by the old Doty's bait shop. I see several do it all the time. You'd be about 1 mile from Peach and a few hundred Yds from Mash.
  4. Yep like green back dollars.
  5. Welcome aboard. That is very nice of you about the dock. Do you live in the cabin or just use it for vacationing.
  6. There are lots of ramps. Where do you live? Bridgeport would not be much different from where you have been launching. It is a long way up the Flat or James to running water.
  7. I might swap you some jigs and plastics along with some folding greenies for that 7'. I need another Arig rod.
  8. Yep I remember your boat but I never know what I am going to be on any particular day as I fish with several guys down there.
  9. Scott I have only been down once and only caught blacks. By the time you get down the river should have several. I hope with the higher power pool that our old favorite banks still hold fish. I'll try to remember when you are going to be there and look for your boat. See you on the water.
  10. When I used to fish for them down there I found the bite usually really slowed down after 1 or 2 pm.
  11. Thanks. Maybe those people around Crane aren't living right cause they got hammered.
  12. Yesterday I was down in Stone County and much to my surprise there was several inches of snow and ice. I'm just wondering what it is like at Forsyth and the surrounding area.
  13. Nice report. Did you have any AR short nosed in the bunch?
  14. Are there still stripers on Truman? I have only caught whites and hybrids. For the big hybrids the Zara Spook in July and August around the old airport have been pretty good to me.
  15. X2 Reel size will make a difference in what rod and line you need to use.
  16. That is just the kind of service one can get from Scott and Brad.
  17. Stockton is a Corps of Engineers Lake so there are no private ramps. Anyone can launch at any of them. There are several ramps back in large coves. For example: Miller Branch, Hawker, there is one about a mile west of Cedar Ridge campers ramp, the one at Masters is way back in that cove.
  18. I'm getting ready to pull the string on a saw. Tell me about the one you have for sale.
  19. If it is a puck then it goes inside as close to the drain hole as you can get it. Make sure you have a good clean spot with no voids in the glass. If it is a skimmer instead of a puck, it can go inside or outside.
  20. Thanks for the report.
  21. You only have interference if you are running the same kHz no matter what brand. All you would have to do is use 455 on one and 800 on the other. But I doubt it would interfere since one would be scanning forward and the other down and or to the sides.
  22. Tell me about the chainsaw.
  23. If my memory is correct you need to take them and use gps babel or easy gps and convert them to gpx then they should load. I did it for a friend a couple of years ago so I may be off but it is something like that.
  24. It shouldn't take many CCAs to crank a Yammy four stroker. If you have a bunch of accessories that run then get a bunch of CCAs.
  25. We've been seeing them at Pomme de Terre in the late fall for several years. I saw a few at Stockton early this winter but didn't think any would be around here this time of year.
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