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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. A couple of days go but not now.... A friend of a friend had a 9# greenie at Pom on a jerk. I think you have a good idea and if I get a good jerker I'll post a pic. So how much money does it take to enter this derby and how will you verify the weight? Or is this just a fun thing?
  2. That is not what quality home made baits are for. They take much longer than the sweatshop baits from China or elsewhere. If you want quality be prepared to pay for it. Maybe I am wrong but I'd be surprised if you get guys who make good stuff to list their products unless they are badly in need of money.
  3. If you are going to make very many jigs, Shorty's Hook Sales has really good prices by the 1000 count. I have had really good luck with Mustad hooks over the years, but I'm hearing that Eagle Claw has come out with a better line than they used to have. BTW: Putting in weedguard slots in a mold is a bitty bit of work and a dremel tool.
  4. Its all about the float getting saturated over a period of time. I had to do it a couple of years ago on mine. I was an easy fix to an annoying problem.
  5. How large is the KC one?
  6. Don't expect too much. I haven't seen the Hunts spending enough money to build a good team and I'd be very surprised if things change very much.
  7. I'm not a crappie expert by any means and I rarely fish for them on the Rock. What I have found is there are a lot of them in our lakes and they can be caught several ways. Some guys may be catching them in 20 fow while others are finding them 30-35 feet deep. I know one guy who catches lots amongst shad schools. If you want to find some, I recommend that you start out by going to a tackle shop and buy some small baits or minnows and ask the people there how the guys are reporting catching them. I'd go to a place like the one at Kimberling City over the BPS at the Landing. Just tell them that you are wanting to learn how it is done and see what local advice they can give you. You can normally find some around standing timber or brush piles. There are thousands of brush piles on the lake. You can find them on most every bank and point. Find you some and mark them with wpts, fish them until you find some that hold fish. If you have side scan they will really be easy to find.
  8. J-Doc you are over thinking this project. Even I who am highly technically and mechanically challenged can repack bearings though I don't like to get dirty.
  9. A pretty good affordable jerk is the Xrap. My LCs got a beat down a couple of times by them.
  10. Do-It has a 7 cavity 3/8 oz football mold FBB-38. You might check out hi tech lure molds. They'll make anything you want. But I'll bet is isn't cheap. I looked into it once for a plastic that I was making. The mold was going to be $400 so I passed.
  11. I use #4 and #2 hooks depending on the size of the head. My heads are 1/32 to 1/2 depending on the bait and the depth.
  12. A topo would be preferred but it doesn't have to be a topo. I just want one to put in a friend's lake house and he would like a pretty large one. Where might we look?
  13. My computer had to have some major surgery last week. Since everything has been redone I can log in just fine but have to relog every time I visit the site. How can I log in and stay logged in?
  14. MOPANFISHER ought to know what is there. He works for the corps and his office is just above that cove.
  15. My guess is that would be the cove that used to have a ramp and now has a fishing dock in it.
  16. There is a new fly shop on Campbell and Battlefield in Spfld. They might do that kind of work or Tim at Roaring River might.
  17. Call the factory in TN. I'm sure that they still have some stuff around. I called for some replacement decals for my boat a few years back and they had them in stock.
  18. If that doesn't work for you give Tom a call at Championship Marine over on hwy 160 south of Highlandville. Those boys do good work.
  19. Get you a side arm then you won't have to run. I went today. I fished in the Big Sac arm and found the bite to really be off. I believe Bob was right about the fall bite being about done. I struggled to get 10 keepers and 4 shorts along with some bass and small eyes. Mine were 29-35 close to the bottom. But it was a beautiful day to be alive and on the water.
  20. Usually the cloudiness comes right back but if there is anything that can stop or slow it down I think it would be Bow to Stern. If you try it put on a coat, wait a day and put on another one. Then do a third one. It takes 3 coats for it to really do its job.
  21. Well sorry about the mishaps hat but congrats to your wife on her catch. Maybe the fall bite really is gone and the fish are out among the shad. I may know more tomorrow if all goes well.
  22. I don't see how seminars would work with all of the various units represented on this site. I have had from the very simple black and white units (X55) up to the HDS Gen I and LSS1 units. Most of what would be said wouldn't be applicable to people who don't own that generation of the product. For example ping speed was mentioned. On my lms units 75 on the console and 100 on the bow was the way I kept them. Now with the hds I have a ping of 19. Are you guys talking about a seminar on 2d sonar only?
  23. So far it hasn't had any effect on me and my fishing. I trade off with other guys so about 1/3 of my fishing is free and I make 90% fo my fishing baits which over the long haul has saved me a few bucks. With 2-3 times fishing each week I need the relief.
  24. I am really surprised that you can find them so shallow down there this late in the year.
  25. Thanks for the tips. The fall bite has really been dropping off the last couple of weeks. They have definitely begun to move. I think I'll be looking for shad schools next time out.
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