OP, thanks for the nostalgia. I knew John and Frankie also, definitely not as well as you, but we used to stay at both Webb Creek and Piedmont park quite often. In fact, my dad and I used to keep our boat in one of John's covered slips for a few years. If I remember correctly, he was a big Johnson/Evinrude guy. I know when I brought my first boat down there he saw it had a 50hp Merc on the back, and he just shook his head. I always wondered about what ever happened to him, his wife and boy. I forgot the boys name, but he was closer to my age at the time. I remember staying up late with them trying to shoot this large beaver that was wreaking havoc on the dock lines. We didn't get it that night, but they got it later that week. It was a monster! And the boy took me on my first jet boat ride down Logan creek about as far as you could go. Wow, talk about crazy!
After I finally got to know Frankie a little better, I got the real scoop on the stringer, and it was like you said. heck of a stringer! He once told me he'd take me out for a day, but we were never able to hook up. Wonder what happened to him also.
Clearwater was really the first big lake I really consistently fished. Mainly from early 70's until mid 80's. I did take my dad back there in the early 90's with my family for a camping trip at Piedmont Park, but since them, haven't been back.