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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by WHARFRAT

  1. Compared to last weekend, fishing this weekend was a bust, but it was still nice to be on the lake at night!
  2. Last couple of weeks, while trolling on LOZ, whites, hybrids, and cats have been hammering some of my larger Mepps Spinners. Been using #4's and #5's about a 150-175' behind the boat at 2mph. The big trouble I'm having is major line twist on my baitcaster. I was using 8lb test and it had been on the reel for a couple of years. I read somewhere if you were having these issues, to go with a more stout line and a premium swivels. So I went out and got some 12lb Trylene Big Game line and some other swivels. Within a half hour, it was doing the same thing. Any advise would be appreciated!
  3. Same on the BN. No stripers or hybrids, but very nice white bass. A couple of sub-legal walleye, and quite of few decent size blue and channel cats.. Caught trolling around 2mph. using flicker shad, mepps spinners, or 1/4 rooster tails. Water condition about the same as yours. Sorry, no pics. I'm getting too lazy to reach in my pocket and grab my phone.
  4. I have a beekeeper that works for me, and he is always extremely busy throughout the year. If he is not out working the hives, (or helping someone with their hives), he's out giving talks with his club. It is very interesting, he's brought in observation hives, and nothing from the bee's go to waste. Unfortunately for me, I'm extremely allergic to bee stings, so I pretty much stay away.
  5. Nice Eye!!!!!!
  6. Many years ago, the wife caught a pretty nice one on the shallow end of lake 35. In recent years, I've caught a couple small ones on lake 35, and one on the dam end of lake 33. I've heard people say they have caught them in Lake 34, but I've never seen any come out of there.
  7. My Sculpin Buddy
  8. I'm thinking the BN will be ON next week, but who knows. Bro-in-law down there now on the BN around the 5 bridge and catching a few about 20' off the bank about 2-3 ft down, nothing special. So hopefully next week will be it! Water levels and temps are close to perfect for a big catch, now all we need is the crappie to cooperate.
  9. From what I've heard, the Glaize arm has been doing pretty good. From experience lately, the lower end (Larry Gale and south) has been pretty inconsistent. But that being said, it's got to catch fire soon. If I were rolling the dice, I'd go to the Big Niangua.
  10. Been hearing a lot of good reports all over the lake, but here on the lower end of the BN it's tough. This basket would be good if it was just a mornings catch, but these were from Friday night to Sunday morning. Now these were the best ones. 10.5 - 13.5". Did catch some smaller legals, but in all honesty not too many more. Can't tell you a pattern, as they were caught anywhere from a foot to 10 foot, dippin, shooting, casting. I went out Sunday afternoon and got skunked! Wife caught a 13.5"er, but that was it. I think they're going to be close to a week away before it goes crazy down there. Water temp was ranging from 59-62.
  11. As of few days back, scant males close to the banks here on the BN, still not turning dark in color.
  12. Great picture
  13. if there's very little wind, I'm fine with it. But if it's like it's been the last few weeks, then I'm staying off the water. Tired of dealing with a 20-30 mph breeze.
  14. From Kirkwood, you can get to Larry Gale in 2.5 hrs. Ramp is always open. Not sure the time it takes to get to the Glaize. Probably insignificant.
  15. nice job on the 23! It was dink city for me this weekend for what little time I was out there!
  16. Size wise you did a heck of a lot better than me on Saturday. I fished from Bridal Cave and South of there. I think I only had 3 fish that measured over 10". Caught a fair share, but they were all small. Seemed to find them on top of brush, very few under docks. They were thumping pretty hard, but weren't too big. Sunday, wasn't going to go, but figured I had at least an hour and a half before church, so I trekked up toward Bridal Cave again and started out shooting docks. And of course, since I couldn't stay out too long, the 11-13"ers were back feeding aggressively. Not that I caught a whole lot, but at least a half dozen that size and quite a few legal keepers, and very few dinks, in a very short time. Go Figure! Didn't go back out after church, too wet out there.
  17. Underspins do a great job. I learned shooting with a small pflueger underspin. Since then I use spinning reels. The good thing with those underspins is that you don't get too many loops in your reels.
  18. You should be able to catch some. Kind of in the late pre- spawn pattern. You'll be able to catch fish as they are starting to transition to the shallower water. Though I have trouble finding any size to these. Females will probably stage in deeper water. Van Hooks isn't too far from where you'll be staying.
  19. by the way, are they putting out any boats yet. The last few years seems like they put a limited amount on each lake around this time of the year.
  20. 20+ yrs ago, lake 38 used to be my go-to bass lake. Caught quite a few nice fish out of there. Mostly around the boats and up the bank towards the shallows. Then when we got bored or the bite tailed off, we used to go to the timber and catch crappie. I went back there a few years back, and most of the standing timber had rotted away. But we used to fish there throughout the whole season the Busch was open. Hardly anybody would fish it. If people went that direction, they'd go to Lake 37, which wasn't a bad lake either for bass. Seemed like when they introduced grass carp, that lake declined for me. If I go now, 35 is my lake of choice. Haven't been in a while, wondering if it was still low like in previous years
  21. still below 653 as of this morning. Not sure if I'll be able to get my lift down. I had 5 1/2' last weekend. I'm not sure if I can lower in 3 1/2 ft. I'd sure like to see it go up at least a foot today!
  22. I enjoyed that! Thanks
  23. I guess they are preparing for a sprinkling, I see Ameren is dropping the lake closer to 653.
  24. Back years ago, before you couldn't fish Busch Wildlife area in the winter/early springtime, on nice days we used to go there and prairie lake. I've been skunked there many a times, but also have done pretty good on occasions. Crappie, though small was fairly common, but I did catch it right a couple times for white bass. And each time it was pretty intense for a while. Then gar showed up and the whites would disperse. But for most of the time it was tough fishing. I just used to go there because I had Cabin fever so bad, it was a place to go.
  25. The last pic is the best!! Although........ they other two are ok too! (noticed how I got 2 2's in that sentence)
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