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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Hey, I’m still in my 50’s...😂😂 thank you!!!
  2. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I wish I had a good bread technique! Anyway Smoked a brisket for my birthday, but my Traeger “Errored out“ about 3 hours into it and had to finish in the oven. Still had a smoke ring and tasted killer though.
  3. Looks like you got outfished by an engineer! 😂 nice fish!!
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Well, my wife’s family is from Hunan, a place known for Spicy food and personalities! I have much experience in both. 😂
  5. I think she better stick with the Captain 👨‍✈️ ...Barry might not be what she’s looking for!😂😂
  6. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Chinese Style Spotted Bass, along with their eggs. Spicy beyond belief
  7. Prayers for you! Hang in there buddy!
  8. Wow, you REALLY GOT ME on that one.
  9. People in high places around the world are taking note of how this virus brings the world to its knees, and not from a medical standpoint .
  10. Worked with a guy this week who’s wife had it a month ago. When they found out his wife had it he had to take off work for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks he was tested negative and went back to work. (Which was 2 weeks ago). I’m keeping my distance from him and wearing my N95. He told me that his wife had very mild symptoms during the whole process.
  11. We kind of got blindsided by a certain guy and just counterpunched. By I’m willing to do my part. Like Phil said, we aren’t going to change anyone’s mind anyway. So it’s so darn difficult to see a dumb comment and not respond. But one shot and Jerry and I are pretty much the only ones on the political thread. Fishing can be pretty boring and not too many new and exciting things to keep people interested in. Facebook and social media have created a new slurry of wannabe fishing gurus that is increasingly getting very tough to watch. Every time someone catches a fish that have a GoPro and give some dopey explanation on how they caught it...and it’s like a 2 pound bass. Then they have their own fishing page. Uggg
  12. So here is your typical democratic response...name calling with absolutely no specifics. Could some call DeNiro and tell him that in real life he’s not a Corleone??
  13. This I will agree with you on, but I didn’t know about the charitable organization thing. I’ll need to look into that.
  14. Did they just open this lake 2 days ago?
  15. What is the difference between people in Dubai and the people in Abu Dhabi? The people in Dubai don’t like the Flintstones, but the people in Abu Dhabi do!
  16. Right down the street from Feathercraft is TJ Hargrove’s but I’m not sure if they’re open either.
  17. Just watch the whole video.
  18. Maybe Jane tripped! And knocked her over! 😂
  19. Not surprised
  20. Nothing specific here....as usual
  21. And also it really doesn’t matter who’s in charge on the Republican side...they would’ve gotten the same treatment. Pence, Romney, whoever. The left uses the media to their advantage.
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