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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Well, I personally think the fish head soup they make is a little too fishy for my taste. If I bring home a few spotted bass, they always leave one or two for me to cook them my way...which is fried of course.
  2. My Chinese family members consider it a waste to fillet a fish. “You’ve ruined it” . They insist the bones add flavor.
  3. Just take the re off of rename!
  4. I am officially going to rename the theme this year for Ozark anglers “the winter of discontent” 😂
  5. Hey Jer, Mr. Nick caught him a dandy a couple of days ago.
  6. Well I tried to tie a couple with different line diameters and figured out a couple of tricks about keeping the line more taught. I actually had a couple of failures myself with these 2 different lines
  7. The Mid East has its sunshine and the girls all get so tan.
  8. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Lol no worries. You’re the best we’ve got!
  9. Mitch f


    Well, I’m sure some think this is a distraction form the impeachment joke but to me the impeachment Process keeps getting weaker the longer they wait. I think it was more of Trump not wanting another Benghazi under his watch and rightfully so. will it lead to an all out war? I don’t know but some have called Trumps decision an act of terrorism against brown people...give me a break
  10. Mitch f


    I was reminded this morning of one of the worst hoaxes in my life...Y2K. hard to believe it was 20 years ago and harder to believe the degree in which some people fell hard for it. But hindsight is 2020. And the new year is 2020, so...😂
  11. Very nice!
  12. But you said MILF, she prolly would just want you to help raise her kid! 😂
  13. That my friend was in your dream.
  14. Line and hooks are the one of the only things I won’t skimp on. I would also add split rings to the list but they are in 2nd place.
  15. You guys fishing in the no plastics area?
  16. Anyone ever use it? I’m kind of interested in trying it.
  17. In my humble opinion most people use too many turns on fluorocarbon...it’s not made for that
  18. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I dated a girl named Sue Vide once
  19. Sooooooo smooth
  20. Ok, done deal 😂
  21. It’s more about technique than anything
  22. I use 1/8 ounce. The hair/feathers have less resistance (for me anyway) because I don’t put too much material on the jig. I like that zoom skinny chunk trailer. My buddy Nick turned me on to it. It’s a small trailer and combined with an 1/8 Oz jig makes a small profile
  23. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

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