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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Here here, that is the kind of criticism up with which I shall not put!
  2. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    We brought our baby with us. But sometimes I need it
  3. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I always thought he was from Belleville, IL. But maybe he was born in kS
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Hint: I was there 29 years ago at Medinah Country Club when he won the US Open.
  5. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Ok here I am at my anniversary dinner last night. Can anyone name the guy in the background? He was celebrating his anniversary dinner too.
  6. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I’ve got a question for you guys. I’ve come full circle on cooking steaks.I’m back to the method I started with, but this journey has at least given me the understanding as to why it works so well. My question is, how do you cook and sear your steaks? Let’s talk about how I used to salt the steaks first. I was taught to only salt right before cooking. I’ve since read that salting right before cooking is kind of true, but not the best way. The salt draws the liquid out then and forms small puddles, then it will eventually re-absorb back in. If leave the salt on for about 45 minutes then cook, you run the risk of cooking a mediocre dryish steak. I now salt them the day before and the flavor is always good. The other old school thing I was taught was to sear at first to lock in the juices...this turned out to be false. At least for me. The newer method was to sear at the end. It kind of makes sense to do that if you’re cooking your steak Sous Vide or smoking them on a pellet grill and need something to sear them at the end. My favorite and now what I consider the best method is to take my steaks that were salted the day before, wipe them dry then apply an ever so thin coat of Olive Oil, then put on the grill straight under a single layer of coals and flip them every 30 seconds to one minute until they reach about 135 degrees. The crust on the outside is unreal and the flavor is so rich. So what kind of methods do you guys use?
  7. I’d love to catch a meth head stealing from me. I’d probably be in jail the next day
  8. How has traffic on Taney picked up after Bill caught this fish?
  9. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Martini 🍸 with Cilantro clippings! Broiled red snapper with a fried small crab on top. oh yes, started with Lobster Bisque
  10. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I love Fuzzys, we have one on Manchester rd.
  11. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    My brother tells me Mission Tacos is a good place.
  12. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Found one
  13. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Thanks guys
  14. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Me either, I’m stuck on a job this week in Panama City Florida. I was so looking forward to good seafood but haven’t found it yet...maybe a couple of good raw oysters but that’s about it so far. Most of what I’ve found so far are more like Red Lobster wannabes . I gotta find some good stuff before I leave.
  15. You and my brother
  16. Never was a huge Sci fi fan. I did enjoy the old Twilight Zone series. It was truly a head game. My 9 year daughter watches the latest supposedly scary new CG graphic monsters and isn’t affected whatsoever. I made he watch an old Twilight Zone in black and white and she couldn’t get through it without freaking out!
  17. No doubt you guys tried everything imaginable to save the fish. Don’t let those idiots bother you
  18. Heck, you deserve a state record just for taking apart your reels every trip and changing the line.
  19. Congratulations Bill!
  20. This is as good as it gets for identification purposes. https://riversandart.blogspot.com/2019/08/how-to-tell-spotted-bass-from.html?m=1
  21. Maybe this is special top dark secret stuff 😂
  22. Jerkbaits work very well up there for Northerns. Throw big topwater a too.
  23. This is game changer technology for sure! levels the playing field to a certain extent
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