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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. You mean 15-21 friends, I'll be there!!?
  2. Agreed Paul. You can most always tell when a person is using weird angles and close ups to try to make a fish seem bigger than it is. Smalliebigs started me on the Hog Trough and I love it. It's really cool to throw in a hog trough photo along with the rest. I also like that clear plexiglass box that Phil Lilley uses on those big trout pics.
  3. I hope you're going to be here for a while?
  4. I don't care how many fish they catch. But bring a measuring device for the big ones. I had a guy tell me he once caught a 6 pound smallmouth on the Meramec. I asked him if he weighed it with a scale, he said "No, but I did have a measuring tape and it was 18 1/2" long!"
  5. Didn't know you were a numbers guy! Do you carry a clicker to count your fish too??
  6. I think virtually all of the "right wing conspiracy theories" were found to be true on wikileaks. I'm also sure the same thing is done on the republican side.
  7. Ive also caught Wiggle Wart bass at high 30's water
  8. No, he's just worn out from carrying Ted Nugent's amplifier at the Trump rally.?
  9. Hey, I didn't say I was right! It's just my feeling when I watch the video. you always take things too far and stir up dung
  10. The media is the biggest loser in this election. You can't trust anything on the news anymore.
  11. Wow, that must have been cool! I can't even watch those nature videos of predators catching and killing a deer. A big cat usually makes short work of it, but coyotes and wolves are eating them while there are still alive, many times while still standing...makes me want to take a rifle and pick them off one at a time. ?
  12. Great article! I would change his temp scale/baits used as follows: Wiggle Warts magic water temp number is around 48-52 degree water, worked slowly. Jerkbaits for me seems best at 45-50 degrees Jigs will catch fish anytime during the fall/winter and full blown winter time frame. The one thing you need to figure out is wether they will hit a normal/medium size jig, like an Eakins, or a small finesse type jig. It seems to be about every mile of river you will run into a wad of fish, some groups bigger than others. Usually within a half mile of a boat ramp the bass can be gigged out and scattered so I would venture farther away. I learned most of these things over the years from our own Zipstick, who seldom posts anymore on here...he's the winter fishing guru on these Ozark rivers.
  13. Hillary is a Hooded Merganser and Trump is a Spoonbill
  14. Mitch f

    River Bass

    I'll take it!!!
  15. Seriously Joe, outstanding day of fishing...that's one of the biggest river largemouths I've seen in a while! Bravo
  16. Way to go Joe!! nice big largemouth! and your shorts rule!
  17. It was nice to see Stacey King make a run for it! He caught up well today but just missed the top ten.
  18. Mitch f

    River Bass

    Ha ha, not making them wait on purpose? Just finishing the details and won't go till its ready! Ton of work BTW
  19. Seems like up the rivers are the deal
  20. I like the Teckel as well, but I also really like the Live Target HFC.
  21. Walleye on top water! That's awesome Scott!
  22. Mitch f

    River Bass

    All I can say is soon!?
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