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Mitch f

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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I can only dream that your number 6 is not an error in the aging process and there are still genetic giant genes swimming around. But honestly, those growth numbers are SO different that I'm sure it's not right. an 18.8" 5 yr old is more than twice the normal growth rate.
  2. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Cumin, coriander, and chili powder....The Holy Trinity of Taco meat
  3. I gave up 100% fluoro Seagaur Carbon pro several years ago when I broke off on a big fish. Switched to Yozuri Hybrid and love it except for the coiling, which requires stretching, and a dose of Kevin Van Dams line conditioner. A good friend, who I really trust, turned me on to Trilene 100%. I'm mainly looking for shock strength and abrasion resistance like Yozuri, but more manageable.
  4. Has anyone tried it and what do you think? Expensive, but I've only used it a couple of times. I do know that I tried to bite through the line to eliminate the tag end and darn near couldn't bite thru it.
  5. I thought you only posted while using the "Water Closet"???
  6. Every lure requires a learning curve, don't let it worry you. Once you figure it out you will find out that the Ned Rig is no better than any other lure worked properly. Just another tool in the bag.
  7. Mitch f

    Fine Dining Flop

    Love watching Anthony Bourdain, many times when he bites into a pork dish, He says "Suck on this, Paul McCartney"
  8. Mitch f


    Nice fish Drew!
  9. Mitch f

    Fine Dining Flop

    Restaurants are like reservoirs, the first few years are the best.
  10. LOL, oh man you got me, I'm actually Hank Patterson in disguise!
  11. Good article! You know you Stockton guys are lucky because the old school hair jig guru Phil Shafer lives in Stockton. I prefer hair jigs with 2 or more materials. Finer buck tail on the back to give it a stiff spine so it doesn't bend in half on the fall when falling horizontally, and a softer body like palmered cross cut rabbit. Then marabou or arctic fox on the tail. But this is only for minnow and Shad patterns. The crawfish jigs are completely different. Hair jigs are so easy to make and so darn effective, I can't believe more people don't use them. Plus, it's a great thing to do off season sitting in front of the fireplace.
  12. Mitch f


    Looks like spinnerbait water ?
  13. Mitch f


  14. Agree, English please
  15. My wife and I got rid of Cable TV right after the Mayweather Paquaio fight pay per view debacle. I don't miss any of the scripted reality shows, or cable TV for that matter at all. We simply use an Amazon Fire TV, which has pretty much anything we want for like $14 per month, and high speed internet. I really don't miss the movie channels (which I never really watched anyway), or cable news. Now, if I could get the Facebook monkey off my back. Another colossal waste of time!
  16. Nice Fish Dave!
  17. Yes, I really like that idea, plus keeps people from long arming them. Gives you a better look at the fish. But how big of a box do you build??
  18. Interesting, The only thing I can say is in the winter you can have zero bites in a known smallmouth hole at 8am, then go upstream 1 mile and 10 minutes later catch a ton of largemouth at a different hole. Then a couple of hours later go back and start catching smallmouth at your original spot. Is the water temp slightly different? Maybe...Is it the difference between LM and SM? Who knows
  19. With all due respect wuteversbitin424, sometimes threads change directions and don't always finish the way they started. You should know that because you have been here for a while. I don't see where anything that was said was bad enough to elicit this type of reaction. This forum is not always about fishing only, even in the Stockton lake thread
  20. Hammer Time why do get so bent out of shape?
  21. X2 Concerning the baby boomers, their children grew up in the sixties and all the hippie era. I know the urban vs rural thing will play a major part in how kids were raised. All but a couple of my cousins who grew up in Southern California in the sixties are disasters for parents.
  22. who's the hater?
  23. They even work upside down!
  24. So when did it start?
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