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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Wow niiiiiiiiice fish! I bet you guys had fun!
  2. Yep, have to drive an hour to get to good water.
  3. I see a bunch of "knowingly" written in the sentences regarding exposing yourself. Which part are you talking about?
  4. Rule # 2......DON'T GUIDE THE GUIDE!
  5. Anything is possible. But my first thought is that it would be pretty difficult to be convicted of a sex crime just for pissing on a tree. I've heard that argument before and it seems like the only excuse a guilty guy would come up with. But then again if a guy had a vendetta against someone, anything is possible. I suppose it would depend on the number of witnesses.
  6. Take it easy Chief, the smile signifies it was a joke!
  7. I went back and read it. Ness's theory still holds true, statistically speaking, the Bassin Bob thread was merely an outlier.
  8. Yep, but in the winter it's less of a worry. In the summer, I snap a couple of shots and get them back in ASAP.......not that I donkey around with them in the winter but I have caught walleye on January at the Blakley Dam in Hot Springs and intended on bringing them it home to eat. Thirty minutes later we decided to go out to eat and my buddy released the fish and it swam away. No joke. But it was probably 30 degrees or so.
  9. I guess I missed out on the Bassin Bob thing. Was it a virus or something?
  10. Nice fish! You guys are tough to fish last Saturday!! The clown jerk bait!!!!
  11. Joe, you look like you were hanging out at the White Castle on Big Bend trying to steal the girls away from the CBC boys. Love the mullet, or as its also been called.... The El Camino, Kentucky Waterfall, or my personal favorite; Business in front, party in rear!
  12. For me it's mostly about jigs. Its very hard to pitch and flip a jig sitting down. But in a canoe, I'd be reluctant to stand up because I can barely keep above the water even from a sitting position.
  13. . Gotcha, for your information Hunter I'm going to scan some old versus new wiggle warts and comparing the differences and posting them on here....laying the shape controversy to rest. Now the harder plastic I cant do anything about. I'm also curious about the differences in weight from old to new.
  14. Line tie recess on old and new wiggle warts?
  15. Question for all you Wiggle Wart aficionados: Is there a certain Pre Rapala Wart that's different or better than another pre Rapala Wart?? I've heard of the white plastic in made in Mexico versus the clear Pre rapala Wart,
  16. Could have sworn this was the beginning of a good joke!!!
  17. I would definitely wear one in the winter even in a jet boat by myself. I never wear one when someone is with me. Maybe I should rethink this.
  18. Wow, this guy is good at polling!!
  19. There is a reason waders have belts!
  20. Agreed, neoprene floats too, if you're so inclined to use neoprene waders
  21. Um prank call, prank call.....pay no attention to any signs of any vegetation, not that there were any
  22. Hang on, is that you in the second pic? I know you from the SMA. Anyway glad you made it out and were safe. Nice fish!!
  23. Great job Steve! Took a brave guy to fish this weekend!
  24. I like Cajun Boilers and you get to look at the 50 lb stripers on the wall!
  25. Yep, last night thru this morning
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