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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I believe you are right! got my old fishing legends mixed up.
  2. Blame if on Coldwater, he always starts the domino affect!
  3. Magnificent! those are some hulky browns!
  4. Wasn't it Jimmy Houston that got his boat smashed going thru the dam locks? Or was that an urban legend?
  5. If money was no concern and you were building your dream casting rod, what kind of guides would you put on it?
  6. Well, have you guys been able to find any HFC's? Bass Pro doesn't have any.
  7. Yea, the nut backing out might be helped by a combination of both Bill's and Mopanfishers great ideas. The reel seat will have back pressure from using the moleskin and the threads will stay tighter by the Teflon tape!
  8. Is that the kind of hackle you get from choking the chicken?
  9. Great idea Bill! Since the rod manufacturer is at the mercy of the reel bracket you put on, that would automatically fill the the dead spaces nicely.
  10. Those both sound great!
  11. Suicide I believe is further downstream and has a big back eddy pool
  12. Maybe a dab of hot glue?! I've always thought they should've had finer threads on the reel seat nuts
  13. I have an Xpress aluminum boat.... 1650 D, .100 gage aluminum and its a great boat
  14. The big problem these days is when a kid has to deal with 2 feathers.
  15. Sounds great! Those ingredients sounded good as you were saying them! And for dessert, Vitamin B sauce, otherwise known as the 3 B's........ Brown sugar, Bourbon, butter melted together and poured over a scoop of vanilla ice cream!
  16. Yep, the feathers don't work on the front hook of the Wart, like other lures. The front hook seems to be the pivot point and the feathers would just stays still......but I gotta try the rear hook thing!
  17. Funny you guys mentioned the Gunfish...that's specifically the lure I had in mind.
  18. Cabin fever has set in so bad.....especially after last nights train wreck called the Grammy's....... So I started thinking about warmer weather and the top water bite. Do you guys take off the feather on the rear trebles of your top waters?
  19. Stay away from there!
  20. Sorry Wayne accidentally deleted my post trying to edit it. The vacuum hulls are a big improvement no doubt. I'm not calling out any specific manufacturer when I'm saying this but the typical problem comes in with the regular hull (non vacuum) aluminum boats. The typically have laser cut or plasma cut pieces then put into a robotic welding machine that puts the pretty Tig weld that is on the outside. After this process, the hull is usually out of shape. Yet they send it to the next process where they beat the gunnels on with a rubber mallet and work their way up to the bow. The gunnels are obviously extrusions. If you've ever worked with extrusions, I don't need to remind you of the linear shape problems. A guy usually marks off the end piece by hand and saws it on an angle to fit the extrusion on the other side. Then it's welded. Then the out of shape hull has to have all the interior beat to fit. They are simply pushing product out the door as quickly as possible. No two boats are alike.
  21. I would buy the Ranger as well, great boat, like I said in my original post, the technology will sky rocket in the next 10 years, but now is still largely the same.
  22. One of the biggest problems I see is the process itself, not the high tech machinery. Welding obviously warps metal, tooling is inadequate, etc. as far as fiberglass, yes the molds are machined on an accurate machine tool with a precision base. As soon as they take the mold off the machine to make room for the next mold, it takes the shape of the concrete floor it's mounted to. There are too many issues to count. It's all about the process and statistical process control.
  23. J-Doc, all this makes for a good show but if they can hold 1/4" they are still lucky, I have been in and still go into the factories as late as last week......What do you hear in the background of the video?..........,,Hammer to fit.
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