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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Well I kind of agree with you. Third world governments all the same. But I’m proud of his daughter for doing it.
  2. @Johnsfolly @BilletHead A crow was following him around and wherever he landed the crow was only 10 feet away, just watching him
  3. Today I identify as a forum moderator… I have unlimited power in this world. You all need to go to jail!
  4. Hey @Al Agnew what kind of hawk is this?
  5. Today’s world you can identify as whoever you want….according to a select few dorks
  6. From a sloped roof with Bessie
  7. I have a perfect spot to snipe them Barred Owls. Right next to an Angus Cow on a sloped roof! Ole Bessy acts as a decoy
  8. Wow I didn’t realize we were above that!
  9. Mitch f

    On the 11th

    It’s a lot safer than trying to walk on a sloped roof
  10. Mitch f

    On the 11th

    Viagra helps too…no joke
  11. Hey little fellow, Coyotes are not an ethnic group. They traffic young children and transport fentanyl into the USA. But a teacher wouldn’t know that I guess. It’s no wonder our kids are like top 20th in the world. But you’re the racist one making fun of the Asians. They’re a lot smarter than you.
  12. I know you are making fun of my Chinese wife. Shows what an immature dude you are.
  13. When they come across the border undocumented talking about “coyotes” of course
  14. @snagged in outlet 3 mullet?
  15. Didn’t you take me on a float at the 0.0 mark a few years back?
  16. I’m not sure if she was happier for the fish or the fact that she outdid her older sisters! 😂
  17. 3/16 Oz shakey head ….green pumpkin
  18. The smaller shark Tails kicked butt today
  19. Took the creeps out today and the youngest caught a nice smallie on a drop shot hellgrammite. Then she boat flips it with 8 pound test! 😂 just shy of 18”
  20. That’s the issue…”I haven’t used it a ton” . My deck is filled with cookers and I can’t justify another piece that I don’t use much. I bought some souve vide stuff I never use anymore (not on the deck obviously) I’ll never sell my Weber charcoal grill and my Traeger but the others will get sold.
  21. I love it when a guy nails it! Congrats brotha!!
  22. Tame rabbits? Don’t tell the grandkids 😂
  23. She said yes!!!!
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