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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Too bad I cant find the pic but the Big Piney near the Fort is where the biggest Missouri smallmouth I've ever seen photographed was caught. Some hefty guy in fatigues is hoisting this fish up for the pic. It's got to be 24"... I still dream there are fish that big on that stream
  2. Larry, call the outfitters and ask them when is the best time to beat the crowds. You can go either before or after. The only problem is sometimes the best fishing is in the middle of the day.
  3. Mitch f


    If a minnow fisherman is there on Tuesday he's looking for supper. Bummer
  4. Mitch f


    Clear water?
  5. Yep, that's the weird part, I can see the head biting reflex but the body "flinching" to the bite without a head is what I'm not understanding
  6. Mitch f


    I agree with this. I've always wondered if a financially independent guy could ever make it as a professional bass fisherman without sponsorship from a major lure brand? I mean some guy that carves his own lure out of balsa or hickory and paints it with fingernail polish? Could you imagine walking up to the at the winners circle at the Classic with a pair of Carharts and accepting the trophy and claiming you won the tourney on a minnow you made yesterday? Won't happen.....pretty much the same with golf
  7. Mitch f


    How many times a day is the limit that your ears can take of that sound before they fill up.
  8. Mitch f


    Yes, there is a chance that you can catch a fish by dangling a hook in the water but not a good chance. If I want to support the economy by paying $8 for a buzzbait that's my prerogative. After all, life's not just about saving a dime or spending one either.
  9. Ok, Mic....we get the picture, we will take you fishing!!!
  10. What a great report! Makes me wish I was there with ya!
  11. Smiley face man, joking...... No personal attacks by me.
  12. Maybe you're using reverse psychology David, in an attempt to keep Mic out of your honey hole!
  13. They look great! I would be interested to see if they perform as well as the 110's. Since the 110's sit nose down I don't like them as good as the pointer 78.I know the one thing I've always liked about the lucky craft pointer 78 was that they seemed to always come back to horizontal on the pause.
  14. I bet the Gasconade has a lot of new big largemouth bass that were displaced from local Farm ponds that we can catch now.
  15. You're a smart man
  16. Ain't that the truth! I just buzz to the high percentage spots and they will surely be there! (Before gigging season that is)
  17. I bet you've got your old favorite lures that you couldn't do without then, and wouldn't dare pick one up today for some unknown reason. My is the Chomper...when they first came out I used them every time I went out, now I bet I haven't used one in 4-5 years. Funny how that works, I bet they will still catch fish!!
  18. Well, my father in law apparently didn't clean one right, because it was the fishiest tasting fish I've ever eaten. One bite and I was done for life!
  19. Yea, so how have the blacks done under Obama?
  20. I totally agree, unless they remove their hand from the reel handle its going to twitch and cranks soon....it's DNA. LOL. 30 seconds my arse
  21. I have used white and chartreuse blades up in the Great Lakes with good success on Smallmouth
  22. To me it's all about the smallmouth, I'll take table rock
  23. I like 75 yard long holes up to 10ft deep with boulders and a cross cross log pattern at the end of the hole. I, like Joe like lots of riffles. I hate a long frog water holes. I'm actually describing my favorite hole right now. I've also grown quite fond of a stretch on the Gasvonade that is a 4-5 ft deep riffle that lasts for a half mile with 4ft diameter hunks of weeds/vegetation. I've caught a bunch of nice smallies on reaction baits in that stretch and had a huge smallmouth bump my lure and dart back into the weed balls.
  24. Wow, I hope they discover a way to greatly reduce them.
  25. I too live for Joel and Ethan Cohen movies
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