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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I was at Adventure outdoors at Scott's Ford one summer and there was a group of drunks lined up in lawn chairs yelling "Show us your Txxx!!" Every time a girl went by and were basically intimidating all the floaters. The owner Mark, grabbed a few guys including me and we walked out in the water and confronted them. They wouldn't back down until the numbers got overly stacked against them. This goes beyond a group of guys getting drunk and loud. They have the right to drink and get drunk and act stupid but the minute you start intimidating other floaters your God given rights should stop. I mean, would act that way at your office? would you act that way at a grocery store? Would you act that way at a baseball game? No they would immediately escort your butt out. What makes a river any different? Trees and water?
  2. Nice report, bet you had fun! FWIW, I've never fished a snap swivel on a jig.
  3. Great story, I used to be quite the duck hunter myself.
  4. Rusty, I have to agree with you on that. I know there are some honkers in there.
  5. Getting stone drunk and exhibiting rude behavior is a time tested Ozark tradition, much like gigging! All kidding aside, the population in America is just not as friendly as it used to be. No manners, no patience, and no morals. The river sometimes brings out the lowest rung of the food chain. I realize we are drowning and all I'm doing is describing the water but this problem will not be easy to fix unless they take drastic measures which no one will like...including the outfitters.
  6. I suppose you could match the hatch and mimic the stages of fry as they grow, ending with a bigger style in fall.
  7. I caught a 19.5" smallmouth on the Meramec kind of the same way. A bluegill grabbed my hair jig and the bruiser came up and took the jig away from the bluegill.
  8. Agree with 405z06 and Wrench, all that post front stuff is overrated. A fish still has to eat sometime. The fast falling river level has a much bigger effect than a front.
  9. Seems like a phone call and a little common sense could have taken care of the situation. Yes, it's from Breitbart but don't shoot the messenger in this case. Wish they would conduct raids on illegal giggers freezers like this! http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/08/01/Armed-government-agents-raid-animal-shelter-to-kill-baby-deer
  10. Yea, once I launched in semi flood situation on the upstream side of a low water bridge. Sucked up some gravel on the initial run and the boat slammed against the bridge and quickly started to list, I just stepped up on the bridge got away safely, could have been much worse. That particular spot (Scott's Ford bridge) has had many canoeing accidents as well. Learned my lesson
  11. If you noticed the little jig that Old Crowbar uses to catch those big smallies on the South Fork, it's not too different than that.
  12. Well my wife's a staff accountant as well. Anyway I get stuck in a rut and use the same lures all the time. This looks like one of the good "do nothing" type baits that may pass the test of time. It's a little like the Charlie Brewer slider worm, a little like a senko, and a little like a single tail grub. Definitely finesse all the way. I like it and will try it!
  13. Great info!! Thanks for sharing
  14. Well jpb, which remedy worked?
  15. That way they don't need to wait for the first responders
  16. You might try something other than a 2-4' depth crank bait in clear water. They seem to work best with less than 3 foot visibility.
  17. Mitch f


    Awesome fish man!!!
  18. River Round always attracts the finest sorts
  19. Mitch f


    I posted your picture on here already!! Anyway buddy just sign in and attach the pic from your computer
  20. Well dtrs, I've been using them for about 6 months now and have replaced all my trebles with either Gamakatsu EWG trebles or the Gamakatsu short shank EWG trebles. My fish landing percentage has increased by about 30%. Of course it's a guess but a dramatic increase none the less.
  21. Very familiar with that stretch, it always has a tremendous amount of jet boat pressure, . Great to hear you enjoyed it.
  22. And we don't need any more pressure on it!
  23. Fantastic fish
  24. http://www.ksdk.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=390279
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