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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I remember when CNN first discovered that a total nothing burger car chase on a highway got tremendous ratings...we’ve been hosed since.
  2. FWIW, I use expensive Goose calls but cheap double reed duck calls. This is a Tim Grounds (God rest his soul) Super Mag short reed goose call and Haydel’s Red Leg duck call, the orange is a Primos. But I have a decorative Joe Jaroski duck wooden carved call that’s kind of cool but it sits in a display case and is never used.
  3. You know the ducks aren’t flying when you’re shooting crows! 😂 still fun though
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    And they plucked those chunks off the buffet table to fill your order!
  5. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Man that looks great!
  6. I believe that rope a dope thing is what gave him the head damage. It might have allowed boxers to punch themselves out, but it took a toll. Also he was allowed to pull fighters shoulders and head down...which is against the rules. Because he was Ali he could get by with it. I think the Thrilla in Manila was the first time the ref actually did his job correctly
  7. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    We just can’t compete with you!?! Gives us some tips. I feel like Salieri 😂😂😂
  8. They just built the Bates Motel close to Castlewood Park on the Meramec 😂
  9. Mitch f


    That’s a great welcome to the forum
  10. You think that’s bad?? My wife goes away snow skiing in Minnesota with the girls and brings me back a gift???? what is this supposed to mean?? 😂
  11. You got caught by TSA with that down your drawers again??
  12. Tyson before prison was in my opinion the baddest man who ever boxed. And I believe yes, he would’ve defeated Ali. Both in their primes, George Foreman would’ve been his biggest challenge.
  13. Well, it’s 2020 so I’ll watch it anyway...on YouTube at least it was more real than the election 😂
  14. Christmas classic!! https://youtu.be/ZvvHXjKloNs
  15. It’s nothing more than a 2020 Rolling Stones reunion tour!😂
  16. That’s probably true
  17. Styles make fights, but I think Jones likes to stay back and pick his shots. Tyson will put the pressure on as usual. Should be all Tyson in my book but who knows. My favorite Mike Tyson quote is “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth!”
  18. My money is on Tyson
  19. The way Cher sang it... Gilpsys, Tralmps, and Theives
  20. My wifey owns some Tesla stock...it reached an all time high. Keeps going crazy, trying to figure out when to sell. I think we will hold on for a while.
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