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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. This group had a couple of good songs but they never quite lived up the Skynyrd/Outlaws thang. Plus they split up too quick and I think Danny Joe Brown got replaced ?, right?
  2. Looks great Marty
  3. Man that looks delish
  4. Too much drinking today Andrew...tone it down. This belongs on the political forum
  5. Not so traditional thanksgiving start! Ho’made (as Ness says) dumplings 🥟 for lunch
  6. Excuse me...Does she have corks for the forks available?
  7. I just don’t have the good to compete! you offer an apprenticeship?
  8. I want a non pellet, drum type smoker, that uses chopped hardwood
  9. Where’s @ness? A spelling protocol has been violated!
  10. I may hire a few welders I know to make a custom hardwood smoker for me.
  11. Man, that’s as good as it gets!!!
  12. So in the end we decided on a brisket. I don’t want to announced how many people are coming over for fear of Seal Team 6 showing up. This brings up a problem I’ve always had issues with the pellet grill. So many times with smoking meats that the grill errors out halfway thru the cooking process and it’s a huge pain in the rear. It seems the pellets get moist and don’t pass the snap test. I’ve even gone so far as putting them in a Pyrex cup and microwaving them for a minute or 2 to remove the excess moisture. Now I just keep the pellets as dry as possible by storing them in a zip lock bag in the basement.
  13. Perfect spot for them, they fit right in
  14. I tried to find out if it was fake, but everywhere I looked it says it’s true 🤣
  15. Mitch f


    Here’s mine
  16. Man this story made my day! Tell her congratulations!
  17. Queso...now you’ve got my attention!
  18. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    This guy is just so good, I could watch him cooking all day long. I especially love what he does with the liver...for himself. https://fb.watch/1XHSSH97Jh/
  19. You’re correct, just a really cool app for making 3D artwork. It also enhances photo quality they say in the portrait mode.
  20. Mitch f


    Need a big cold north wind to bring em down
  21. I went there once for vacation! Better wear a lot of sunblock! 😂
  22. The new IPhone 12 Pro has Lidar technology. My brother in law used it scan some basic objects (only 3 mm resolution but still ok.) with a certain app, he scanned some items and I brought it into my modeling software and extracted some basic measurements that were pretty much right on. Amazing stuff
  23. I go to too many coal and Nuke power plants...some of the drug tests get real personal 🙄... I can’t afford to lose the work.
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