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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Yes
  2. Back in the good old days. Before I-Pads and cell phones
  3. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Story of my life!😂
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I believe you understand exactly what I meant. 😉
  5. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    It looked like more of a ranch he had
  6. Ouch, ouch, triple ouch! Did I say 🤕 ouch! 😂
  7. Did you ever try a Silver buddy?
  8. What is the process the MDC uses for deciding which animals get reintroduced? The otters 🦦 seemed to be a poor decision.
  9. Keep in mind you can access many lakes that are trolling motor only. You can still have the big motor on the boat. Most of the time they let you load the boat on the trailer with the big motor. Simpson Lake is one close.
  10. Ain’t that the truth.
  11. No serial #? Hopefully it’s got a legit title...be careful, I just went through a mess trying get a replacement
  12. No problem Turtle Head
  13. You’re an asshole
  14. Trying to decipher Shane’s email makes my head spin. Have no idea what most of those acronyms stand for.
  15. What does the “N” stand for on Nebraska football helmets? Knowledge
  16. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    This looks great. I’m all about Cod. Love capers, but the salad dressing may not include Olive oil, so my Mediterranean diet may suffer 😂
  17. This isn’t your mothers Democratic Party anymore
  18. Wrench is correct on this one. Yes and yes
  19. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Lucky to have an Einstein Brothers by my house...I love Nova Lox
  20. In the old days, Churches, civic groups, Elk Clubs, Rotary clubs, etc., had a big part in taking care of the less fortunate. It seems they are being replaced with big brother. Big brother should take care of those who can’t take care of themselves, but we can never eliminate poverty. How many trillions have we spent on the war on poverty and it’s still at the same percentage as always.
  21. My brother, my sister, and I, promised my parents that they would never be put in a nursing home if we could possibly avoid it. It turned out that they never were in a nursing home. I’m very thankful for that. If the circumstances were different, and they required 24/7 care and were bed ridden, we may not have been so lucky. Neither one suffered too bad for very long. My dad was 90 and really, really did not want to leave this world. He was driving 2 months before he passed, and was as sharp as a tack. One of the 10 commandments...Honor thy father and Mother. We always took that to heart.
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