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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Yep, we found out how many companies were paid millions during Corona relief. But it referred to it as a much more palatable term. 😂
  2. They do have these things called spellcheckers that sometimes auto correct in the wrong way…😂
  3. Your rivers up there are so much more productive. Are they getting trounced because of Corona virus? Ours are down here.
  4. Coming from you that’s a compliment.
  5. Me too. seems unfair to say that one boat made by Johnny is good and another is that bad. But I’ve been wrong before. There are a lot of guys so eager to cut down Johnny.
  6. The interview doesn’t go well for him. The “gotcha“ moments are numerous on both sides. But calling him a snake oil salesmen is way too far. We could go on for days about snake oil salesmen on the democratic side.
  7. He’s only guilty of liking Trump
  8. So Nitro is now better than Ranger?
  9. Anderson tearing into the Pillow Guy, not the first time he’s torn into a pillow!😂
  10. Low T affects everyone... not just the patient, but friends and loved ones too... I know, I’m a low T sufferer too!😂😂 so Try T-Max! **...disclaimer: TMax has not been approved by the FDA and is no way endorsed by the executives of this forum. Although Hydroxychloroquine has.
  11. You did 😂
  12. Just to brighten up @ColdWaterFshr have a blessed day 😂
  13. I’m afraid of bears, that’s why I don’t kick them.... thanks
  14. But diesels usually travel at a decent speed and you can stay far enough back.
  15. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Or get behind a truck hauling cast iron skillets headed to the @BilletHead household. 😂
  16. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    100% Jealous!! Dang, I wish I was there!
  17. But the view of a bunch of Asymmetrical flabby arsed dudes with Speedos (because speedos help you speed up by .005 mph) is no better than the manure truck 😂. At least the truck goes close to the speed limit. Remember the personal fitness goals of the slowest moving people pusher controls the entire traffic speed.
  18. Shrinkage
  19. Totally agree about the truckers
  20. Can’t ride an ATV on the street though??
  21. When it’s hot, you gotta get out of the canoe and take a dip. Less fatigue at the end of the day. Taught to me by @Al Agnew Amazing how well it works.
  22. Raise your hand 🖐 if you pay personal property tax on your bikes!
  23. I’m happy your brother is a nice guy. But he could’ve been driving a car and saved the jogger too.
  24. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    W for wife SD for step daughter 1 and 2 are my biological girls so I have 3 daughters and a wife 4 against 1 😂
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