Me too.
seems unfair to say that one boat made by Johnny is good and another is that bad. But I’ve been wrong before. There are a lot of guys so eager to cut down Johnny.
The interview doesn’t go well for him. The “gotcha“ moments are numerous on both sides. But calling him a snake oil salesmen is way too far. We could go on for days about snake oil salesmen on the democratic side.
Low T affects everyone... not just the patient, but friends and loved ones too... I know, I’m a low T sufferer too!😂😂 so Try T-Max!
**...disclaimer: TMax has not been approved by the FDA and is no way endorsed by the executives of this forum. Although Hydroxychloroquine has.
But the view of a bunch of Asymmetrical flabby arsed dudes with Speedos (because speedos help you speed up by .005 mph) is no better than the manure truck 😂. At least the truck goes close to the speed limit. Remember the personal fitness goals of the slowest moving people pusher controls the entire traffic speed.