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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Nope, none. 😂 what are you even talking about?? I caught a 20” myself a different day
  2. The scales higher up in the back, near the dorsal have a thick line around the periphery of the scales. The shape of the fish also. Also the dark barring near the tail
  3. MoSmallies looked it up and Scott’s hybrid is winthin 1 pound of the state record! Kudos Scott! and it was caught out of a river and not an impoundment
  4. Gentlemen start your engines!!!!
  5. When’s the book being published? 😂
  6. Turn off the photo location settings! 😂
  7. I’m really not that big of a conspiracy theorist, but something happened a couple of days ago that blew my mind. My wife misplaced her phone and we looked all over the house for an hour or so. We turned up nothing...so we decided to try the “find my phone” app or whatever it’s called on a home laptop. It showed the phone being very close to our house. So we assumed it was still at home and tore the house up looking for it again. After a while she used another phone to log in and guided herself with the map to where it said her phone was located. She started walking and the map guided her to the middle of the busy street right next to our house. She looked down and saw it laying in the middle of the street all crushed to pieces. She thinks she was loading the little one in the car seat and put her phone on top of the car and forgot about it. Moral of the story? Even with a completely crushed phone they can find you with uncanny accuracy, like down to a couple of feet. A little scary in my book.
  8. I was influenced by Al, as you can see I’m starting off very well!
  9. Scott, that is probably the biggest hybrid I’ve seen on the Meramec. 👍 Well Done!
  10. I believe in the flat tax, although most CPA’s don’t. Seems fair to me. Not paying any income tax and telling the people who paid taxes how to run their lives is pretty bad. Regarding not paying any income taxes...not quite sure how that would work, seems to me a consumption tax would be twisted by some with bartering and not much would get paid in. But I’m not an economist. 😅
  11. Well, the cold front and 12 foot visibility doesn’t appear to effect Hog Wally and the Hi-Def craw.
  12. You do exactly as anyone who owns a business does Phil, which is use all available deductions. More power to you!
  13. Phil, This is Ted Cruse speaking of the changes to 529 plans.
  14. I believe like Michelle Bachman once said. Every person should pay income tax regardless of their situation. It is destroying the human character to pay nothing. 47% of the people in the US pay nothing. Not good.
  15. Yep, very well said. The nature of forums is that everyone’s voice is heard with 100% equality. A guy like Al is several steps ahead of the discussion before he steps in. There are a certain number of people, who thru inferiority or jealousy, or both...think they can somehow build themselves up by cutting someone down. They have the same voice as someone 10 times better than them. They hide behind a made up forum name instead of their real name. That speaks volumes in itself.
  16. Glad you guys are having a blast! Looks like fun!
  17. I’ll look at my wife’s stocking foot waders, she’s only worn them once. They are lightweight but in good condition. They have felt soles in the boots though.
  18. Back in ‘79 my brother had the opportunity to buy a clean original body ‘68 Barracuda with a 426 Hemi for 12K.......he’s still kicking himself
  19. I’ve been doing them since the day they were born. At first I thought were a little inflexible...now I think they’ve loosened up a little
  20. I hear Missouri’s 529 plan has made some improvements. Allows more flexibility
  21. Smallmouth and brown trout trips are both Arkansas. You called me from Arkansas...Amember? 😂
  22. Mitch f

    Whatchya Drinking?

    For me, bourbon 🥃 over scotch any day
  23. You always go out of state to fish Joesphine! Why? , since we have perfection here?
  24. cringeworthy! 😂 you can even add your shoulders....if you want! 😂
  25. Mitch f

    Whatchya Drinking?

    Man that is one sophisticated thing a ma bob with those time and temp readings. I bet you sit up all night with a buzz and listen to those POlice Scanners? 😂
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