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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Some various specimens I've collected over last couple of years
  2. I can't find it, but my favorite Larson cartoon was a group of blind people picketing the wrong building and the title was something like "For hours confusion reigned"
  3. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I looked it up, yep it's in one of the dishes I get from the Korean restaurant in Chinatown in STL. I love it. I don't tell my wife but I prefer good Korean to Chinese any day.
  4. Believe it or not, you were close to the town of Tightwad, MO. I've wanted to deposit money in their bank just so I could say I have an account in the bank of Tightwad!? Seriously though, our National debt is a force to be reckoned with, and someday we will pay the piper. Maybe not this year, but soon. It won't be for the faint of heart. Some turbulence coming I'm afraid.
  5. Or up north like Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin. You can go to these states and literally catch 16-20" , 3-4 lb fish all day long. I would say the fish average 2-2.5 lbs and 16"
  6. If kids aren't coachable, they won't be employable
  7. Very very good
  8. I was told a good way to detect bites was to be a line watcher.................?
  9. I think he knows his base pretty well?
  10. Let's just hope this remains a cartoon!?
  11. I think Tommy uses 17 lb test and just hauls them in.
  12. Well done guys!
  13. I gotta call Leo DiCaprio about this!! Hang on......
  14. Nothing like a little pressure..
  15. Good eats!!
  16. Sorry, that was Aaron's rod I was using and I let his Sexy Dawg dangle in the water after I caught the fish. My apologies
  17. That's super impressive
  18. Mitch f

    Whatchya Drinking?

    Not much of a drinker, but when I do drink, I like a good Manhattan or an Old Fashioned. With steaks I like a good Cabernet or Syrah. Just not much of a beer guy.
  19. Nice, public or private lake?
  20. My Dentist says the same thing! ???
  21. Yes, I guess that's why he's good! remember he was in Places in the Heart Ness!
  22. In the Line of Fire
  23. Loved places in the heart and Sense and Sensibility (not southern)
  24. Very good list
  25. LOL, that won't happen
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