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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. That’s where the incident happened. The floaters saw these dudes spearing and netting the fish and when they got back to the take out they reported to the conservation department. They immediately went back and busted them.
  2. When you fish with a dream, but you know you’re not dreamin Senior-Ray….oh wait, scuza me…that’s a Manta Ray
  3. Exactly the same here.
  4. I’ve seen guys with small semi-v boats and props lean to one side so their prop would be on a slight angle when trying to get thru a low water situation or riffle.
  5. You get an award for the worst forum moderator in history!
  6. You guys are all at risk of terrier perv, calling you a perv 😂
  7. If you would like to talk to him directly, call Huzzah Valley Canoe rental since it was basically on his property
  8. My buddy who owns a canoe rental facility says they caught illegal Hondurans doing this and nothing will happen to them…just pay the fine and released to do it again. Border is a clown show. Seven men caught using spear guns on the Huzzah
  9. Coming from the biggest d*ck sucker on OAF!!
  10. Always remind me to never accept any glazed donuts from you as a sign of friendship
  11. I avoid Iowa at all costs especially Cedar Rapids. I rented a car not long ago and received an email from Enterprise stating that due to the contract you signed we are going to charge you for tickets you received in Cedar Rapids. One for not paying a toll, (which I apparently never saw), the other for speeding. About $100 each.
  12. I’m torn about buying a retirement home at LOZ to visit on the weekends. I don’t want to spend all my weekend time in maintenance though. I might just opt for a semi permanent boat slip rental at a preferred location on the lake, then just stay at a hotel or resort instead.
  13. Take care of yourself buddy!
  14. I’ve caught several nice smallmouth inside the spring up to 18”
  15. I’ll give away some lures to the winner of the fishing contest. If there is one.
  16. As long as you have internet 😜
  17. Isn’t it great to know that the Social Security you paid for all your life will be bankrupt in 12 years?
  18. So obviously I looked at it as competition to my craw and I heard some good things about it. It’s prerigged so the weight is more centrally located in the body which makes a more horizontal fall. That sometimes triggers a bite.
  19. A truck loaded with thousands of copies of Roget's Thesaurus crashed on the 405 yesterday, scattering its entire load. Witnesses were stunned, startled, aghast, taken aback, stupefied, confused, shocked, rattled, paralyzed, dazed, bewildered, disoriented, surprised, awed, dumbfounded, nonplussed, flabbergasted, astounded, amazed, confounded, astonished, overwhelmed, horrified, numbed, speechless, and perplexed.
  20. But you look so cool!!
  21. So where did the idea of doing something “nice” originate from? Humans arent nice by nature no matter how they try to deny it.
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