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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I could eat seafood every day! Great schtuff Ness!
  2. I too appreciated the Grassy knoll reference?
  3. Looks fun as heck!! Bravo
  4. I never saw this episode, or any for that matter. Is it possible the whole thing was staged?
  5. What about Sea Foam for removing water?
  6. You just never know what someone might be going through.
  7. Knowing this sure makes things seem better I'm sure! Glad she's feeling better!?
  8. I think this my be a good idea for the Whopper Plopper only. On WTD type baits, I like to make it walk before it even lands?
  9. Here are a couple of the largest TR straight smallmouth I've seen. Both 23"
  10. Love to see the big smallies! Great job Alex!
  11. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Those fish burgers look fantastic!
  12. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I use Kingsford Mesquite charcoal, just wondering what your thoughts are on manufactured charcoal vs natural. Also, Has anyone had experience with the new wood pellets? And are they superior to charcoal. A sales guy at Costco tried to hard sell me on the benefits of wood pellets for grilling. When I saw the temp control on the side of his wood pellet grill only went up to like around 450 F, I told him this wasn't hot enough IMO to sear steaks. He disagreed of course.
  13. I feel for you! You're a tough man, you will be back in no time!
  14. Congratulations! Hopefully you can get some good sleep!
  15. So sorry, thoughts and prayers coming your way
  16. Yeah, this is an exceptional year it seems....don't know why, other than the weather and maybe a huge flood in December. The Meramec has been pretty much as good as I've seen it in a while. Table Rock seems to be on fire too
  17. It's not so much the rocks or gravel causing nicks. The Plopper is the kind of bait that you really want to cover lots of water with. So you try to really heave the lure as hard as you can. The constant strain on the line causes it to wear out on the loading and snapping of the line (especially a heavy bait like the Plopper) on the last part of the cast. Then it either snaps off or a big fish can break it much easier. Re-tying often is a must, as you have said.
  18. I would eat the cost of 3 whopper poppers to have a nice day fishing. Very small price to pay.
  19. Big smallmouth are easier to catch when the river has risen a bit and the water is murkier, up your chances by being open to only go when the conditions are right. This would put the odds a little more in your favor. im not a fly fisherman but I would think that concentrating on larger baits fished near logs or root wads would up your percentage too.
  20. You knew a topwater version of the A-Rig was inevitable.
  21. I'm just imagining you saying "Do you need any help?" In a Dirty Harry type voice.....with your hand on your holster!? "Well, do ya, PUNK?"
  22. If you know where he was hiding, my guess is you could go right back and get him again soon. Use 25 lb test and Super line Gamakatsu EWG. Horse him in. That's a huge fish
  23. I really wonder if things will change. If Someone owned a business and watched someone wait for 2 hours and they didn't say anything or take drastic measures, chances are they will never get it.
  24. Yep, I'm with you. Im used to the spinnerbait, crankbait mindset for dirty water....this really makes me think
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